Men of reddit, how often do you all socialise?

  1. I’m mid-40s, father of 2, and discounting chitchats with other parents at the school yards, at most once a week but I’m seriously considering bringing that back down to once a month tops, and telling my wife to just go meet ‘our’ friends on her own with the kids.

  2. Most socialization I do is now online or at work. I don’t really go out to parties much. You can say I’m in my introverted phase.

  3. 42, 2 kids. Used to met with my bros once a week but now i have 2nd job (and will for another 6-8 months) so zero socializing for now.

  4. Not very often. I lack the time (work full time, married, kids) and the inclination (49, can’t usually be arsed)

  5. If it’s my friends or the board games meet-up once a week, then all the time.

    If my friends and that night is for whatever reason cancelled, never.

  6. 36, married, 1 kid. Usually 1-3 times per week, and several weekend trips with friends or other couples per year. It takes effort as I’ve gotten older, but it’s important to maintain friendships. I remember growing up always thinking ‘why do my parents almost never go out or have friends over?’ and I don’t want to be that person as I get older.

  7. Uhh 5-7 times a week. Playing music is generally twice a week. Weekend stuff with friends most days, and then events going on during the week.

  8. I believe most men don’t socialise often because of how society is built, there simply aren’t a lot of places meant or suited for casual socialisation outside of school / work (gonna include the military here too)

    That’s why most people who got really good friends are either currently at one of those places that allow easy socialisation, or they already have established friends from those periods of time.

    I’ll give myself as an example, I consider myself quite the outgoing person, I find it very easy making friends in work/school. But, outside of that? Forget it. I go to the gym, do bjj, and attend social gatherings for different interests every now and again. People are simply not open to it.

    It was made crystal clear to me when I was out traveling in SE Asia, the backpacking culture there is super open and social, spent time traveling solo, but also in duos/trios/groups. In all cases, meeting new people was so incredibly easy, it was astounding. Why? Because everybody was open to it and it was the culture of the place (hostels are magical btw).

    But then I came back home, and everybody’s shut off, nobody socialises at the gym, people from bjj and other activities just finish the activity and go home, and although I tried to chat them up on more than one occasion, it simply seems like people aren’t open to it… and trust me I tried, my established friends are scattered across the country nowadays, and ofc the ones I met while traveling are on the other side of the world.

  9. I hop on discord with my friend almost daily but as far as in person socializing or going to any sort of events. Absolute zero.

  10. That’s my secret: I don’t. People suck and my apartment has everything I need so why would I leave?

  11. YOU WILL REGRET THIS! I was every one of you introverts. As I age I find myself longing for the friends I ignored and other great friends I never met. Maybe you haven’t met that person you’ll have incredible fun with and will support you. But I promise you, suddenly you’ll have every day open and be bored in a month.

  12. Not as much as I want, it’s really hard to find people who you can socialise effortlessly and have the time that it takes to develop a relationship

  13. Every day, almost all day. Work is very collaborative and then I almost always have training, a party, or an just hanging or studying with friends afterwards.

  14. Outside of work, 2-3 times a week I meet people physically. I find it keeps you socialized and not screaming into an internet echo chamber.

    Social isolation is bad ‘mkay.

  15. Outside work, mostly online friends playing competitive FPS games.

    I don’t go out as I used to do.

    Besides, right now it’s 40ºC outside.


  16. I try to avoid it, but my wife has her friends over about once a week. Unless the gym counts because people always seem to want to talk to me there

  17. As little as possible. Somewhere hovering slightly above “oh he’s creepy” in the range of “oh he’s nice, just keeps to himself”

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