It’s situations like this that just hurt my heart and drive me crazy with dating… WHY is always my initial question.

I 26f went on a date with a guy 28m last Thursday. We had a great date! When we got to my car, he asked me for my phone number so we can communicate through there (we initially matched on hinge). He told me he had a great time and to text him when I get home.

When I got home, I texted him that I made it back. He replied pretty quickly, saying he had a great time and would love to go out with me again sometime if I was interested. I said I had a great time too and would be down! He replied the next morning that he went to bed quickly, I replied something back. That was last Friday.

I suspected to hear from him a few days later to set up a second date…. and nothing. When he first asked me out, we didn’t speak at all until the day of the date (checking in). That was 4 days. That felt fine to me since we were meeting for the first time, save the convo for the date right? I thought after the date things would pick up after he sent me that message, I was sure he was interested.

But now, I’m extremely confused. 4 days have gone by since our few messages… and nothing since.

I’ve had a lot of bad dating situations but am just at loss of words again. What is going on? Why would he ask me my number and ask to see me again if he wasn’t going to make a plan with me after? It’s been 4 days since contact and I’m just started to have a bad feeling I’m not going to hear from him again…

Is he ghosting? If so why the heck would he go out of his way to say he wants to go out again? Is he being extremely formal?? Even if that’s so… I’m still irritated and upset right now. No contact for 4+ days after one date just seems off to me. I don’t know what to do or what to think.

This bothers me so much because if he is ghosting, there is ZERO reason to have gone out of his way to ask for my number and basically ask me out again. Like WHY?? I would’ve been fine if I was just rejected immediately. This just feels like torture.

Someone give me some insight please so I can at least hold out some hope or move on.

1 comment
  1. Before I read your post can I ask if you have sent a message to him in the last 4 days yourself?

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