I’ve never really gone out of my way to visit any Christmas Markets at all, so was just wondering if there are any that will definitely be worth visiting 🙂

EDIT: UK Christmas Markets

  1. Dortmund, Berlin, Hamburg and Bielefeld are all very good.

    British Christmas markets are insanely overpriced, not uncommon for a bratwurst to cost nearly ÂŁ10.

  2. They are a must if you like stalls selling crap you’ll never use or overpriced hot wine and bratwurst.

    Manchester is the best one because the usual Albert Square location is being renovated so this year they’re on Market Street, which is brilliant because the street is already really busy the rest of the year, so plonking massive market stalls down the middle of it means everyone gets crushed and can’t move which is brilliant. Remember to time your visit so you get the same train home as all the commuters around 5-6pm, that way you can recreate the overcrowdedness on the train with all the fellow Christmas market fans.

  3. I love Edinburgh Christmas market. Something about the scenic castle in the background makes it extra special. Sure it’s overpriced but aren’t all UK Christmas markets

  4. None of them. They’re all just copies of each other, all selling the same overpriced tat.

  5. Bath Christmas market is meant to be really good. Heard lots of positives about it.Plan on visiting there next month to check it out.

  6. Try a local town/village christmas market. May not be as pretty as the big city ones, but you’re more likely to get variety in stalls and support local businesses

  7. Manchester gets hyped up every year, but even when it was in the one square it was pretty naff.

    Now it’s all over the city it’s properly crap.

    Didn’t help the Arndale got evacuated so the bits on Market Street were just rammed

  8. Leeds is back this year. Last time I went though it was like 90% food stalls and the giant drinking hall so wasn’t very good at all.

    Birmingham is probably the best I’ve been to but even that is just a copy and paste job all along new street; last time I went there were 3 stalls all selling the same little nuts-and-bolts men

  9. I’ve heard Chatsworth is very good, and the house is supposedly decorated to the nines, may be a tad expensive though.

  10. I had a good time at the Birmingham Christmas Market in 2017. I have also been to the one in Winchester – smaller scale, but the scenery and ambience around the Cathedral and its grounds makes it pretty.

  11. They basically all sell the same made in China tat now. You notice every Christmas market in London has the same “homemade” products of questionable quality. Even in venues outside London. Was much better when there were actual German markets coming over

  12. Go for a weekend to Berlin. If you’re feeling adventurous, head out to a local weihnachstmarkt, outside of the city. It will revolutionise your view of Christmas markets.

    Edit: just noticed your edit. I would still recommend Berlin, if you’re going to travel anywhere!

  13. Went to York last year, it was that busy you couldn’t walk at a normal pace you sort of had to shuffle like a penguin. Absolutely terrible 0/10 would not recommend.

    Lincoln used to be amazing, but they don’t have it on this year.

  14. The first one you go to is enjoyable but it just turns into a copy and paste rip off after that. They’re organised and the vendors tour them.

    Last nice one I went to was Bruges. Yes commercialised sand inauthentic, but pricing reasonable and everyone was enjoying themselves

  15. I personally avoid the big city Christmas markets and visit Christmas markets in local villages smaller local towns. I find the bigger ones are always a copy and paste of each other.

  16. The Christmas markets by the river Thames, near Hayes Galleria (London Bridge) is nice. Even if you don’t buy anything, you get great night time views of Tower Bridge, Tower of London etc too.

  17. Manchester have been voted best in Europe

    (Not sure who by exactly but I saw it somewhere and they are pretty good)

  18. Rochester is pretty good and there’s some lovely antique shops down the High Street which are worth a wander in. Plus it’s right next to the castle so the setting is lovely.

  19. I’d look for smaller local markets. Whenever I’ve gone to the big city ones (Manchester, London and Birmingham) they are always so rammed you can’t enjoy them because you can’t move.

    I’ve gone to quite a few little local ones in the last few years and I’ve enjoyed them so much more – they don’t have the number of stalls but you can enjoy what there is without being trampled to death.

  20. The only one I’ve been to is Cardiff, but I really like it. Can’t say if it’s good or bad compared to others, but there’s also Winter Wonderland which you can visit before or after, which is always nice.

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