For me, it’s just the thought of failure. I want to become a better man. I want to get a good job so I can take care of my mother financially. I also want to lose some weight so I can start loving myself physically and mentally.

  1. Thinking about having kids a lot lately, but nervous about making the same mistakes as my parents, or not being prepared well enough. My parents thought they were prepared and ready and I still went to bed hungry a lot. I couldn’t live with myself if I did that to a kid.

  2. Just feeling lonely at home since I had to put my cat to sleep a couple weeks ago.

    Dude was my shadow, followed me around from room to room, always wanted to sit next to or on top of me, and slept on my feet every night. I’ve got another cat, but he’s more like a roommate than a friend (I provide food, water, and a roof over his head and he does his own thing).

    Probably going to adopt a second cat after the holidays but I worry about getting one whose personality is like my other cat’s and then I’ll just have two freeloaders who don’t care about my existence.

  3. Lack of discipline in my case, which seems a very common problem. I know I could make my life whatever I want, but I feel stuck like I’m doing maybe half of what I’m capable of.

  4. Realizing that I am just a glorified caretaker. Always doing things for family and friends and rarely get a thank you or any form of appreciation.

  5. Recently got a haircut and now I’ve been getting a lot more attention than usual, and i hate it

  6. Something of a panic and depression that Im nearly 40, have never married and make great money but after rejecting the standard roadmap to life I have no idea what to do. My job is great but I hate where I live and work. Struggle to make friends and have given up on dating.

  7. In laws coming to stay at our place for a week even though it’s still being renovated and furnished. They don’t speak any English and I only speak like a toddler level of their language, there’s currently no kitchen whilst it’s being renovated, there’s currently only one sofa in the lounge. Not really much I can do about it but really not looking forward to it.

  8. Caregiver fatigue. Specifically care for an autistic person that gets extremely violent(self harm) . I get a sick sense of joy when they have an extremely violent meltdown and I’m not there to have to deal with it. Like oh thank fuck I didn’t have to deal with that one. One less for me essentially . I’ll only do this for a little bit longer, I refuse to do it until I break ,fuck that. I’m the most important person in this world by a long shot.

  9. Dating and Relationships. I’ve been single since my mid-twenties. I decided to go travelling, take some time for myself and really figure out what I want to do and now in my early thirties getting back into the scene worries me. I believe we as men should strive to be the best we can be, have ambitions, goals etc. but the bar has been raised too high. I know the internet isn’t indicative of the entire population as a whole but, the things I’ve seen and read lately, it seems the expectations that women have of men are out of control.

  10. My ex had BPD. I left her four months ago. Truly love her, and struggling with it. She was abusive physically and emotionally.

    She reached out last week expressing she will always love me, and that she is sorry. She didn’t ask to get back together or anything. I called back two days later and she said she didn’t have any ulterior motives and just wanted to clear the air.

    She also said that she thought our relationship would have worked if we didn’t move so fast, and she didn’t know what the future held.

    It crushed me. I didn’t beg or ask to get back together but I think the insinuation was clear enough. Now I’m back to square one.

    What really got me is that she is applying for overnight parking for another car for the apartment, so someone is staying over.

    Why reach out and say all that. I wish she never called.

    Im in the gym, eating clean, working a lot and stacking money, and I’ve seen women as well as therapy. Cant seem to get over the hump.

    Cutting off all contact and getting the bills out of my name. Also removing myself from the lease. Just gotta cut it all out and let the suffering fade I guess. I’m ready to be better. I wish I never met this woman.

  11. I guess feeling like I’ve failed in the dating department. That, and it bothers me that it bothers me, if that makes sense. The rest of my life is pretty good, no complaints. So it annoys me that one area messes with my happiness. And I don’t want to talk about it and be the whiny single friend, so I just have to keep the frustration and loneliness to myself.

    The other big one is not being able to get good at things I want to get good at (learning a new language and playing an instrument.) I like doing it, but I am not making the progress I wish I could and don’t really know how to go about making a breakthrough.

  12. Doing everything right with no reward. Good job, exercising, reading, practicing self care. Sounds good right? But nah. I don’t have close friends, and everything I’ve achieved feels like it has no value. I’ve tried going on dates, paying for dinner, being my best self, but it’s just never enough. I always lose interest or if I like the other person they lose interest. I hope this feeling is just temporary, being empty is just an awful thing.

  13. My mother **ALMOST** passed away (for the second time) with coronavirus this weekend. Second positive test result 13 months after the first time & second time almost passing away with it. Thankfully, she’s doing much better today as her symptoms rapidly improved over these past 72 hours, after one trip to the hospital & another to the doctor.

    Fortunately she’s still here & almost back to her usual self. But man did that make me scared. This weekend has been a mental war.

  14. Just that I suspect war is brewing in my lifetime, problems facing the world require people to care for the greater good, corporations and governments have all the power and the best I ultimately may be able to contribute is to put on a uniform and die scared and in pain, far from the people I care about

  15. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Focus on small steps, self-care and self-love. You’ve got this – one day at a time.

  16. Been having some car troubles lately and trying to figure what it gonna do about my vehicle situation moving forward. Buy another car or dump a bunch of money into the one I have right now? The problem with my current car is the miles are high, I’ll have no exit strategy when it’s time to get something else and I’ll basically end up giving it away if I want to sell it. Money is kinda right now so I’m kinda stuck for now

  17. I feel the same as you bud. I need a better job. But i try to remind myself of how much improvement i’ve done over the year. i’m still stressing but I don’t think that ever goes away. its a good anxious feeling to keep me sharp. i just gotta watch the depression. it sneaks up on you.

  18. Mainly this “weight plateau” I seem to have hit

    Been trying to get down to 180 pounds, but been “hovering” around 191-192 for like 2 weeks, it’s frustrating 🤦‍♂️

    Back in 2017 I briefly dropped down to ~170 pounds without even doing anything or changing my diet, go figure

  19. The absolute fucking state of the world. Division. Mass misinformation. Society and public services totally failing those most in need. I can’t see how we fix this.

  20. I don’t make enough money. I work remotely because I applied when I was a student abroad. The wage is way better than my countries average, but not enough to live life comfortably since it’s commission based.

    My current job search has shown i need a better passport to even have a remote job.

  21. Not having solid plans for the future

    Planning to invest a lot of money but not having the experience to know how much risk I am really taking

    Seeing someone as a friend who I know is into me but not knowing if and when we might move past friendship

  22. The feeling like I failed my kids because of my divorce. I spent 5 years only seeing my dad once a year due to moving out of the US with my mom and sister. I see my kids at least once a week, but I don’t feel like I’m part of their life as much as I want to be. I ask them about school and they say it’s fine. How’s band? Fine.

    I used to get them ready for school, make them lunches, see them off to the bus, make them waffles every Sunday and because I couldn’t deal with life, I failed them.

  23. 1. My weight(I lost 52 pounds but still look fat).
    2. Loneliness I’m 21 and never had friends or a girlfriend

  24. My future. I just want to own a house. I moved out of home at the age of 21, I’ve yet to call any of those places I rented at, ‘home’.

    I just want to own a place that I can call home.

  25. I’m plateauing terribly. I’ve lost 70 lbs in the last few months but having a hard time losing more. I’m still about 100 lbs away from my goal weight. I fluctuate in about a 20 lbs weight range. It sucks so I’m thinking of joining CrossFit or Fire(a similar type of thing). I think CrossFit people are annoying but it’s getting discouraging.

  26. Sex is no longer fun for me.

    It’s hard to explain. I can get erect, but I rarely ejaculate and it just feels sort of numb and stalls out. It only feels good about 25% of the time that I have sex. This is incredibly frustrating, and the idea of having sex just causes me anxiety now as I’m so focused on what will or what won’t happen. I also rarely, if ever, fantasize about sex anymore. I just associate the whole thing with frustration and worry. If I was single, this wouldn’t be such an issue, but I’m married. I’m still able to get my wife off easily, but she has voiced concerns that my issue could be with her, which is not the case. It’s not as though I’m fantasizing about anyone else.

    There is no single culprit here for me; I’ve been taking anti-depressants daily for 20 years, I have a really high stress job, and I’m overweight. I’m working on the last one, but who knows if that will even make a difference. The last time I stopped using anti-depressants, I became severely depressed and changing careers is out of the question. Who knows if they’re even the reason why.

    In any event, it bothers me greatly that I’m losing enjoyment in one of the most enjoyable things in life.

  27. Sharing the earth with an overwhelming number of people whose stupid ideas are getting people killed.

  28. The fact that I’m 32 and single with no prospects of finding a partner.

    I’m too anti social and exhausted because of work to put myself out there.
    Some days are very very hard.

  29. That every single statistic and economic data fact proves we have enough resources to provide a home, food, health and education for every human in there planet but we just keep fighting and killing ourselves with war.

    Israel, Ukraine, Yemen, etc … I’m just fed up of pointless death over what? Borders? Resources that are never going to be given to the individual citizens? Pride?

  30. I really like this woman I’m seeing and she’s improved my life a bunch in the past 6 or so weeks. But the connection seems waning and it’s got me stressed.

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