Good afternoon ladies. This question is directed to those of you who dumped a romantic partner, and in the end, maybe regretted and and sought to get them back for a second chance.
Did you reach out to them? How long was the NC period?
Did you make any changes to yourself? Did your dumpee change? What kind of changes?
Were you rebounding/seeing anyone else shortly after the break up? What was the result?
Was the second chance worth it, or successful? If is was, what did you do differently that didn’t happen the first time?

Thank you for all of your patience with all of my questions.

  1. Only time I ever took back someone I dumped. I ended the relationship because I wasn’t ready to be in a relationship. He was a wonderful person but I realised I hadn’t left enough time after a long term abusive relationship. I needed to work on myself. He asked to stay in my life and when I was in a better place we tried dating again.
    Was about 6 months.

  2. So, my now ex-husband and I had previously dated. It was a bit turbulent at first due to not quite being over my high school sweetheart like I thought I did. We made it through and were doing well…until I found he cheated on me after I found a condom in his bathroom when we didn’t use them. He was working when I discovered this so I left a note breaking up with him and turned off my phone so he couldn’t convince me that it wasn’t what it was.
    We didn’t talk for about 4 years. I found out the girlfriend he had after me had dumped him and had been cheating on him and having drug issues (we had mutual friends). While the friends were really happy because they hated her, they had talked about how depressed he got. I still cared for him, unfortunately, so I reached out saying I know how much it hurts and that I was there to talk to if he wanted someone.
    We started chatting again, I went to the town he had moved to visit. One thing led to another, and we started dating again. Eventually married had a kiddo, then he started screwing our friend/babysitter and now I am a divorcee.
    I took him back because he honestly seemed like a totally different person. I think the first time we tried being together we were both young and stupid, he partied a lot and worked a strip club. When we reconnected, he was working as a construction worker, so he got up early in the morning, didn’t drink so much anymore and all around seemed more mature. I grew up too and felt I had a steadier idea on who I was and what I wouldn’t settle for after the partners I had in the 3 years he and I didn’t talk.

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