I grew up when instant messaging was becoming a huge thing, so I spent most of my life constantly chatting with friends, family, or even strangers in chatrooms. Now that I’m older, I feel this constant need to socialize and I’m guessing it makes me come off as extra clingy.

Anyone else feel the same way? How do you deal with it?

  1. I relate a bit. In late 20s now and I noticed as i got older my confidence grew and my need to socialize, share experiences, just talking in general increased a ton. Almost as if to make up for my teenage years where i was introverted and shy as fuck and wasnt able to find myself nor create a consistent personality.
    Anyway now i feel like you trying to talk so much, and i noticed it does come across as too much without me realizing it until way later when the person is kinda disengaging or giving short replies. I tend to just tone it down with these people and ive noticed that i do have close ones or friends around me that are similar and can bear it, those people i have the best conversations with. I guess finding a balance is good but as cliche as it is being yourself for the most part and sticking with this vibe of having a constant need to socialize is just going to propel your chances of meeting more people like you who share similar interests and goals

  2. No. I’m an introvert. I dislike people who can’t shut up. I get that people love to talk but I hate it when there’s silence and then someone feels the need to break it by saying something utterly useless. Everyone is different but I prefer to be around more chill/quiet environments.

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