Edit: I don’t mean if you found your SO cheating on the app but more like success stories of dating apps. Sorry my phrasing is confusing😅

  1. We’re not together anymore but my last long term relationship was from a dating app and it was actually really easy.

    We just instantly clicked and things moved pretty smoothly.

    You sift through a lot of people but once I found him, it was effortless.

  2. Incredibly. Although I was young, and forgave him and believed that nothing happened he was “just curious” and stayed with him for a very long time. Finding his OnlyFans, after years of him telling me he just didn’t have a sex drive, and didn’t masturbate at all (and I was just too horny 🙄) hurt more though.

  3. It took 2 1/2 years of going through disaster dates, ghosting, losers, guys who just want to ask how my day is for weeks on end, etc. He is everything I could have hoped for and more and I appreciate him even more because of how difficult the search was.

  4. I found my boyfriend after about a week on Hinge. I had been on apps before (last time being around 6 years ago) and that was rough.

    This time I was super deliberate about sticking to my standards. I unashamedly put “looking for life partner” and “dating with intention” on my profile to weed out any commitment-phobes, didn’t match with anyone who exhibited behaviors that didn’t align with my values, and didn’t go out of my way to try to get people to like me. I used all of my free “likes” almost every day. I probably had fewer matches overall, but the quality of men was much better. Couldn’t be happier than I am with my partner now and things are going so well, I sometimes wonder if I’m being pranked.

    It was a strange process and required me to get out of my comfort zone, but well worth the effort!

  5. My current relationship and my last one were both from apps and it was easier than picking up a pint of milk.
    That’s not to say either relationship had been easy always. Current one has had some big rough patches. But finding both of them and knowing we connected was easy.

  6. He was my second date. I went on some after because I had recently gotten out of a relationship and wanted to try dating, but he was the one. We’ve been together over 4 years and recently got married

  7. I was on Okcupid off and on for SIX YEARS and went on so many dates, talked to so many people, before I met my partner.

    I also have pretty particular standards so if I wasn’t vibing with someone after the 2nd date for any reason, I moved on. I went on a lot of first and second dates but maybe two dozen third dates, and only three fifth dates in that whole time.

  8. I found my husband on hinge … right after a man on tinder used me to cheat on his fiancée. So.

    It takes time and sifting through the junk and the bullshit. Having both boundaries and standards, being self-aware enough to understand what your must haves are so you can give on other stuff, and communication. Also not giving up hope and understanding that sometimes the fuckery that happens is not about you at all.

  9. He was going to be a ONS. We got married on October 10th this year. I couldn’t imagine doing life with anyone else.

    I had to kiss a lot of frogs. I never treated dating apps very seriously. I had fun dating and meeting new guys. It left me having a pretty defined list of characteristics I considered desirable vs undesirable (I love a debater, but hate someone who argues. Someone who can substantiate their position vs. Someone who likes to hear themselves talk). I was able to create boundaries around what I considered inexcusable behaviour through a lot of trial and error.

    Overall, I wouldn’t change the path I chose even a little bit. I found my person.

  10. we matched back in 2017, talked online A LOT, then fizzled out. between 2017 and 2020, we would spend a few weeks texting non stop, then never actually hanging out, then we’d stop talking for months. in 2021, i went through a tough breakup and decided to have a hot girl summer and sleep around, so i hit him up because i knew he’d be interested. anyway my hot girl summer was a bust because i slept with one guy and now we’re in love and have a cat together. neither one of us were looking for a relationship when we first matched all those years ago, but that’s just how it happened. i think things might have gone differently if one of us or even both of us went into tinder looking specifically for a relationship

  11. Engaged to my partner who I met on a dating app! I used the apps for a couple years in college but mainly got a lot of guys looking for hook ups or nothing serious. I ignored anyone who got sexual right away. My partner was really friendly, got to know me on the app and naturally asked for my number. We didn’t wait too long to meet up, I didn’t want it to be weird if personalities were different online. I think I lucked out !

  12. Met my fiancé on Bumble.
    I used dating apps for 3-4 years on and off until we found each other.
    It honestly was a roller coaster ride. Had the best and worst time of my life using this app lol.
    Glad those days are over though.

  13. It’s really trial & error. I focused on how interactions with those I matched with made me feel – texting & in person. He was my first third date!

  14. Listen to your intuition – your body knows much more than you would think.
    I had a sneaking suspicion that my ex was on it when we were together, and I was right. This suspicion wasn’t really based on much, but just something didn’t sit right with me.
    It hurt to end things coz I was scared (had never really walked away from any relationships before, and wondered if I was getting too old), but it turned out to be the best decision ever! Met my current husband a couple of months later and things worked out the way it was meant to be!

    Edit: just realized I read this prompt way differently 😅 but it still stands as I met both ex and hubby on tinder. It was a lot of work and can be discouraging, but things work out the way they’re supposed to

  15. I have had two SOs I met on hinge – an ex who I was with for two years and my current partner. I met my ex about 2-3 months after getting onto hinge. During that time I went on maybe 8 first dates (or video calls). When I met my ex things clicked and we were exclusive pretty quickly.

    When I got back on hinge my current SO was the third guy I met in person. I was being extremely picky and only meeting up with people whose profiles really appealed to me and who chatted well. I am extremely lucky to have met him.

    I really don’t enjoy the online dating process and find it hard to stay motivated to engage with strangers. I pushed through that feeling and forced myself to match and chat because it’s a useful tool for me — a way to meet dating prospects when I wasn’t IRL. I focused on people who were clear about their relationship goals on their profile. I limited the amount of time I spend actually looking at the app to avoid burnout. I’m grateful that hinge worked for me twice, and I also have tons of empathy for people who find dating apps to be miserable. You have to put in some effort but ultimately there is an element of luck.

  16. Easy af. I think I had about 6 months on the app and about 15 dates before him. I think that’s pretty good considering they were mostly pretty lovely guys that just weren’t right for me, and he was perfect.

  17. It was my first time trying to seriously date after breaking up with my ex (and my first time ever dating women) and I had only been on Tinder for maybe 2 weeks before I swiped right on my current partner. She was the only person I went on a date with, we had 3 dates within the first week of meeting, and have pretty much been inseparable ever since. It’s been almost 2 years!

  18. I found one of my exes on a dating site…..its also how I later ended up dumping him 🤣🤣 y

  19. Took like over a year of being on dating apps. I was mentally exhausted from dealing with all the whack men on there and was about to just give up lol we clicked immediately and it was history from there 💅🏼

  20. It was medium hard, like a 7 on a 1-10 scale. Met my husband at 35 on hinge.

    IMHO, you have to be willing:

    – to have strong boundaries and the second some dude does something gross, unmatch him. Your future husband/boyfriend doesn’t make sex innuendos to girls he’s never met!
    – to go on a lot of dates. Recommend coffee so you can get to know someone without alcohol with a time limit of like 45-60 min. Dinner is too long. If he’s not your guy you can leave earlier without it looking weird.
    – to date off type. Try dating guys with different interests than what you normally go for. You may be surprised!
    – hold off on sleeping with him. Recommend 5-6 dates so your judgement isn’t clouded by those amazing post sex hormones 🥰

    Finally, please remember that the guys on the other end of the apps are humans with feelings (usually 🤪). This is someone’s literal son. Be respectful but know your value. Best of luck to you!

  21. I met my husband on Tinder, both of us looking for something casual that immediately turned into something serious. It was a few days after re making my account. I had dabbled in the app for years beforehand, always getting sick of random hookups that turned weird, and then going back to try and quell some loneliness. Well, now I’m never lonely because I found my person. I guess you just have to keep trying and maybe you’ll get lucky someday, but I never expected to find anything serious on there. Thanks Tinder!

  22. I consider it pure dumb luck that I found someone with the same values as me who ALSO makes my heart all gooey at the same time! I’ve been on and off the apps for about 6 years, very low effort. My current partner was the last person I matched with on the last re download and I thought, hey, what the heck.

  23. I found my current boyfriend on a dating app. Been together about 7 months now. It wasn’t hard, took only a couple weeks, but I had sifted through TONS of garbage before finding him.

    I think LTR success on a dating app requires you to know exactly what you’re looking for and holding those requirements firmly. And a fair amount of patience. Know you’re gonna go in there getting spammed by people looking for hookups and ignoring your profile details.

    Think of yourself as an HR hiring manager for a open position at a company. It’s not romantic obviously, but I think that’s the healthiest attitude to have for finding the right person, having the patience and standards, and keeping your sanity.

  24. I had been on the apps for a few months without any success (including one guy who thought a great opener would be to tell me that he accidentally unmatched with my sister?????) After we matched i for some reason, decided i needed to be the one to get things going. Thank God for that because he told me he would have opened with a generic “hi nice to meet you”. We clicked instantly and found out he had grown up with one of my cousins. It’s been a little over two years now, we know each other’s families, and have talked about our future together, buying a house. (He won’t propose until I’m done with school) it’s been amazing! And I’m really the last person you would think about being on the apps.

  25. I was using dating apps for 3.5 years before I met my partner. I mustve been on hundreds of dates. I was probably considered a serial dater lol. I became so numb to dating. It was unimaginably hard for me. I even went to therapy about it. I didnt even think my standards were that high, it was just impossible to find a guy with a good foundation to work off from. It wasnt just guys via apps either, I met guys IRL too.. nothing worked.

    Problem is, the more men you meet, the higher your bar becomes because you see so many different qualities and flaws in others.

    In the end, after years, I found a guy that ticked all the foundational boxes. We weren’t a perfect match, and I wasnt even SUPER crazy attracted to him, but because there was so much working at a base level, I gave him a try and put my all in. Everything else just came with time. I think thats something I never really realized before. I became super attracted to him, I loved all his quirks, I adapted to the parts of him that weren’t a perfect match with me.

  26. It took about a year of consistently dating…Really sucked, would never want to go through that again lol. BUT…I am really really really happy we found each other (hinge) and we’re getting married this April! ❤️ (just celebrated 2 years together, early 30s)

  27. Oh it was terriblé before meeting my fiancé. Online dating was trash and I honestly was ready to give up. I was on hinge, bumble, tinder, POF, CMB and eharmony for YEARS with more flops and POSes than I care to count. I almost gave up.

    He was a match I had after had deleted bumble for months and decided to log back on. I think he went my 3rd match? And the rest is history

  28. It wasn’t hard at all. What got me in his profile is that he said “swipe left (?) if don’t like to cut the rug”. We hit off right away over messaging and we committed to quite a big date. Going to a lake that’s a far drive to paddle board. We tried meeting up for a drink before hand but both didn’t have the time and both were honest that if we didn’t feel it would cut the date short and have the awkward drive home. We both felt it was worth the risk because we had a good feeling about it.

    It was the best first date I had ever been on and we have been together almost three years and have a baby and a home together now! Couldn’t be happier.

  29. I think i got lucky. We met on an app and we’ve been together three years and going strong. I hadn’t been on there that long.

  30. 33f, I met my current partner online. I had been on dating apps for a long time but had never met anyone. I was also very nervous to meet anyone in person, I met probably three total people including my now partner. My current partner told me he messaged me and I didn’t reply so he deleted his profile and then a few weeks later reactivated it and we matched again and I finally answered him. I would go through periods where I wouldn’t pay attention to the apps. Once I started talking to my current partner, we talked for about a month before finally meeting up. Once we met it was so easy and we both deleted our profiles.

  31. Not hard. Went on lots of Tinder dates before I met “the one”. Most of those dates were pretty ok! A few were great. Some were weird. I enjoyed having those life experiences. Then I met my husband! 7 years later we have a beautiful little boy and another due in March.

  32. Surprisingly, not as hard as I expected.

    It required a lot required filtering and avoiding wasting my time, though. I got a lot of messages from guys I had nothing in common with who didn’t want the same things at all. Dont waste time on people who are clearly not the one.

    I gave a lot of polite rejections and only talked to guys who made a bit of an effort to read my profile or engage with me. Profile full of biceps pics? No thanks.

    I didnt agree to meet unless the initial conversation was decent. I was forgiving of less than perfect pictures because most men gave no idea how to take a decent picture. Most men were better looking than their profile picture tbh. I feel that you really need to see soneone face to face to know if you have chemistry. So I agreed tona date with any guy I had good chat with.

    I made the deliberate decision to be flexible on height; weight, salary etc. IMO the right person for you might just look a little different than you expected. As it happened, mine was taller than I would have expected. Now we have a lifetime of working out those logistics 😂

    I had a lot of first dates, but if there was no chemistry, we politely agreed to take it no further. They were perfectly decent for the most part, but just…no chemistry.

    I had to believe that with the right person I would absolutely know I wanted more dates m.

  33. Very easy. We’ve been together since the pandemic, we met 1.5 weeks before lockdown. I think I’m one of those people who got lucky. I know it’s rough out there but most people don’t like putting time and effort into conversations.

  34. I met my boyfriend through Bumble after being on multiple dating apps on and off for four years. It was hard because guys would either not respond to my initial message or would reply short responses without asking me any questions. A lot of the time I also would not really feel a connection with someone I matched with. It was frustrating not finding much success. I was pleasantly surprised how easy and natural it was to talk to my boyfriend on our first date. It made the searching all worth it.

  35. I met my ex boyfriend on Hinge. We dated for 3 years. I had just moved to a new city/state and I met him a week after I moved there. We definitely rushed into things but later went on to move cities, live together, and shared two dogs together. I truly loved him, but our relationship ended very badly and abruptly as I discovered he had a drug problem. We broke up a year ago and we have no communication, but I think of him pretty much everyday and will always be rooting for him. In a LOT of ways, we worked very well together… if only he had been mentally and emotionally healthy.

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