I (20m) recently dropped a couple old friends from high school as I felt I was becoming a worse person hanging out with them. Couple of the guys are stereotypical “peaked” in HS and many just enjoy getting high or drunk after work, playing ball, recklessly speeding in neighborhoods, picking fights with randoms, being a “menace” and bum basically. For the longest time I didn’t want to drop them since we were boys since grade 9 but I had to make the decision as it was really screwing up my life and life choices. Now I really only just play ball with them and always make excuses for hanging out. I live in a suburb and life here has been pretty lonely. I have one old friend I’ve been close to since grade 8 but he is pretty anti-social and has also turned into a complete conspiracy theorist freak, holocaust denier etc. I keep him around because he’s always been a good dude and we’ve always had common interests in shit like History, Star Wars, LOTR, Fantasy etc. I think the social isolation after High School turned him nuts which is why he’s turned out this way. Anyways I’ve been feeling pretty lonely and kinda regret the decision to drop my group of friends. Based on what I spilled did I make the right decision? I guess the gist of my situation is that I dropped a friend group out of fear of becoming of bum. Now my social life at home is dead and I’m not too sure how to make new friends in a closed off individualistic suburb. On the bright side I’m still in university however, given that most of my friends live far I highly doubt we will be close after graduation.

  1. That happened to me, best bet is to move out of town. Most of my friends went on bad paths and the ones that were cool left the town. I had to come back here and do no like the local culture and everything improved after leaving. But it is better to be alone than surrounded by people that make you worse

  2. Don’t worry, This is very common. Most of us start from scratch after college. Sometimes, you simply just outgrow a lot of your friends and your priorities change. other times things get revealed. I went to college between 2004 and 2009 when Facebook was starting to Peak and I found out just how many people from my hometown were racist by the posts they were making…

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