Genuinely asking how their day was without getting the typical response of fine or good or it was okay. Venting whether positive or negative is a release.

  1. If I feel like having a conversation, I look for common interests or something that we’re semi knowledgeable in. Daily shenanigans are usually what’s got you irritated or who at work needs a good alien probing?

    If I feel like letting them talk, what particular scent of the day is the stick up your ass? Aka what’s on your mind or bugging you on numerous levels. If there’s anything they haven’t eaten in a while that they’d like to try again. Usually works on the people around me. The thin skinned gentle ladies (male dominant workforce in my workshop) know to leave me alone and not say much to me.

  2. I love to talk about music, and I have a few friends who also love to talk about music. But I know I would bore most people with music conversations.

  3. Spirituality, what happened after death, etc. I volunteered for hospice for a little while and heard some interesting stories from patients at the threshold. Overall, I think about it often but it’s understandably not something that many people want to talk about very much

  4. A lot of things. I’m an infovore and I like to fill in with “interesting” facts. I’ve learned not that many people appreciate it, lol.

    I smile and nod a lot, and people say, “boy, aren’t you quiet?”.


  5. Hey, how are your dopamine levels today? Are you resting your neurotransmitters today or are you enjoying your day today?

  6. Nobody wants to hear about vtubers, or even be around anyone that watches, but Selen is gonna collab with Post Malone and I think that’s pretty cool. Did you know he can play Cliffs of Dover at a decent speed? That’s pretty cool.

  7. I have a theory of the universe people find passingly interesting but I have problems finding true engagement on. Warning, it’s long winded.

    The first part has to do with consciousness. I find it arrogant that we tend to define it as things we recognize as similar to ourselves. I think it’s glaringly obvious that animals are conscious, even though they do not share our intelligence.

    I was having this conversation with a friend, and we went down the path of intelligence with him asking if I thought various things are aware. He ultimately asked me if the granite countertop we were setting our beverages on was conscious. I could not give him a definitive answer.

    As a materialist, I do not believe our awareness has a metaphysical source, but is an emergent property of the matter we are born of. Who am I to define at what complexity that matter creates awareness, just because it’s not intelligent for me to relate to it.

    The second part I will not dive into too deeply, but it can be summarized by the idea that when matter is destroyed it does not just produce energy, but is converted into space time itself. Matter and space are interchangeable.

    Putting the two together, if consciousness is a property of matter, and matter and space are interchange, that means awareness is an intrinsic property of the fundamental fabric the universe is made of.

    That is how I came to a conclusion that looks like God from a materialistic point of view.

  8. I can talk in great detail about the Arena football league circa 2000-2008. Could also delve into the lore of all 3 XFL’s, the WLAF/NFL Europe and the failed CFL USA experiment of the mid 90s

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