I (25M) have always had a really hard time looking people in the eyes. Well, actually I don’t think I had this problem when I was a young kid, but im not sure because I did what most kids do where they just stare at people that look at them. I probably just stared at their face instead of their eyes though.

I cannot look people in the eyes without having to make a real conscious effort to do so most of the time. This is especially true for strangers. Im not scared to make eye contact or anything, its just that I don’t do it. This and many other reasons sometimes makes me think I might have something like aspergers/autism, but that’s another thread for later.


Has anyone else ever overcome this? If so how did you get to the point you can just naturally do it? Do you still have to sometimes think about making eye contact?

  1. The answer will sound silly at first but bear with me: because you are thinking about not thinking about it.

    Now, try not thinking about your breathing, let it happen automatically. See, you are yhinking about it.

    Solution: mindfulness. Focus on something, such as the conversation, not your appearence. Listen to them, people actually care about how engaged you are with their message, not about your appearence and body language.

    Hope this help,s keep practicing 💪

  2. Cuz you are shy and insecure. That or your telekinetic and can read peoples minds when you stare them in the eye and that makes you uncomfortable

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