I’m 19 and wanted to wait until I could drive to attempt dating, but I’m not seeing myself passing any time soon after 2 test attempts. I don’t imagine a girl would care that much if I came to the date in a taxi, but what do I know, I’m 19.

  1. If that matters to her, it’s already a red flag.
    At least in my opinion.

  2. It will definitely be easier if you have a car but if you’re willing to taxi/uber everywhere it shouldn’t be too big of a problem especially at 19, not everybody has a car. If you were like 29 I’d say you’re in for some trouble.

  3. Don’t see why you can’t date if you don’t drive. Would however focus on why you failed the driving test the last 2 times and work on improving in these areas/get your license.

  4. You’re 19. I think she’ll be ok with you showing up in a double seat bicycle

  5. Bruh, I still had no license and rode the bus when I got MARRIED lol. Where there’s a will there’s a way, if you got a connection with someone that makes your heart flutter, it won’t matter if you gotta beat feet all day to see eachother.

  6. I’d say wait till you have a place to yourself, be that 16 as a legally separated minor or 40 year old virgin style, it’s not worth it, I swear to god it’s the most awkward and embarrassing thing that is easy to avoid if you wait.

  7. It depends on which country you live in. In mine, if you don’t have something nice it’s seen as being poor and unworthy. I’m sure a lot of newer / younger women realize the situation and are accommodating especially in the current climate of semi-war and post pandemic.

  8. People start dating at any age. There’s no shame in not driving, as long as you’re up front about it and they’re ok with it, then it’s no problem. If you’re planning on getting it soon, let them know as well.

    You’ll find that in a lot of places in the world, people just don’t drive at all. People well into their 50s still use the bus, cab, subway.

    Side note: gas prices and groceries are so high in north america, I wish I didn’t have to drive at all.

  9. I lost my licence when I was 19, I didn’t get it back until I was 42. Didn’t slow me down one bit.

  10. Well that really depends on where you live lol. Not having a car isn’t much of an issue in big cities vs cities with no public transportation.

  11. I mean, if you live somewhere with shitty public transportation, then maybe it might be a little harder. Like, I imagine if you’re living in downtown London you’ll have a lot better go of things than if you live in a town with no paved roads and one blinking stop light. Live and work in a city and you probably don’t need a car, and it might be spectacularly expensive to own one.

    As for whether *she* cares, man that’s on her, not on you.

  12. Depends if you live in a country that has its shit together or not. If you do, then driving is mostly an unnecessary expense at your age that won’t matter worth a shit to anyone.

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