So i want to start this off by saying that i do believe in climate change and the top richest/companies being responsible for it. Im also realistic about the chances of said people choosing to do whats best for our planet and their fellow humans. Now unto the post;

My best friend of 9 years has recently become a collapsologist (she believes in the complete collapse of civilization and also that the world will end because of climate change and there is absolutely zero hope of avoiding it in the next three years).

Since she comes from a well-off family and still lives with them for free, she has been able to start putting money aside to build a bunker in the middle of nowhere and talks about her plans of construction with me at least once a week. Ive been helping her with some details and i helped her with the 3d plans a bit. Overall i am happy that she is able to put money aside for her future but very sad that this is what she’s planning to do with it instead of studies in the domain she loves, travelling, a nice house, etc.

She also talks regularly about what “people who can bring important knowledge to the table, have enough money to build a bunker and have good health will be the only ones able to survive” and discusses the various ways in which she thinks everyone else might die everytime we see each other (forest fires, nuclear war, polluted air, violence to get access to ressources etc.)

Now heres the thing; i have physical and mental disabilities as well as not much knowledge of anything useful in an apocalypse world (other than maybe fishing). Im also dirt poor and honestly just trying not to be homeless or starve to death before the collapse of society even has a chance to hit us. Therefore, her speeches about who will/wont survive makes me feel even more anxious about my own future and survival.

I’ve always been ecoanxious and i usually put that energy into trying to fight for change but she keeps telling me how theres no hope whatsoever and things won’t change until the collapse no matter what we do.

I love her and she is my best friend in the world, i try my best to help her, listen to her, help her plan and to try to give her hope to no avail.

I dont know what to do anymore, i want to lend an ear to her worries because i know how anxious she is and i dont want to put my head in the sand about climate change either but her vision of things makes me so damn depressed and hopeless. Ive been anxious for a while and this is really not helping, i feel like theres no point in keeping going if shes right.

She asked me how i manage to worry about other things when the collapse is coming; i just tried to tell her that im already in survival mode and im just gonna do my best to advocate for change now and deal with it as it arrives (if it does). She told me it was sweet that i was able to ignore the truth and she wishes she could do that too…

How can i help her feel more hope? How can i ask her to stop without coming off as insensitive and volountarily blind?

Any comment is appreciated, thank you

TL;DR : My friends keeps talking to me about how an apocalypse in the next 3 years is inevitable and theres no hope. It scares me and i dont know how to ask her to stop without being insensitive or coming across as ignoring facts

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