How did you quit nicotine?

  1. Wellbutrin for 30 days. (Zyban was the brand name when it came out). Smoked 25 years, took the pills and continued smoking exactly as told (smoked for the first 10 days if I remember), then threw them away.

    It was still hard, you will still have to really exercise your willpower, but every day it really does get a little easier.

    23 years free now. Never cheated, not even one drag. So happy I quit.

  2. Edit: my brain read this as quit smoking lol, if you’re addicted to the gums or something similar this is obviously useless

    With nicotine gums and discipline. It helped a lot that i didn’t want to smell bad for my new girlfriend. Twas still a pain in the ass, but the gums were a good crutch.

  3. Champex and then figured out the cost to me of smoking for 1 year then I invested that amount. That way if I ever thought of buying a pack I could honestly tell myself the money was already spent. One of the other things that helped was whenever someone asked I just told them I don’t smoke, Not that I was quitting or trying to quit but just that I didn’t, then there was no opening for discussion around just having one, or the neigh sayers telling me It wouldn’t work, after a short while I never missed it.

  4. The first 48 hours are the worst. Buy a box of round toothpicks. And instead of a cigarette, have one in your mouth and take it out like you would with your fingers, and then put it back. Give your fingers something to do. That’s how I did it.

  5. I’ve been nic-free for 3 years, after smoking half a pack a day for 6. Gum helps like crazy, as well as making sure all your buddies know that you’re really trying to quit and to get you away from any nicotine you may be near. Drinking is definitely the hardest time to resist, but bringing a few pieces of the gum out with you for a night out will make those urges go away fast. Last thing I’d remind you is, cravings only last 15 minutes on average, so if you really feel like you just can’t take it, tell yourself you’ll smoke again in 20 minutes and by then the craving should go away. If it doesn’t, rip a piece of gum and you’re safe until the next one.

  6. I got offered it at age 14, inhaled a big gulp and had the biggest coughing spree of my life. Since that time I felt grossed out at even smelling tobacco. Never smoked since.

  7. Find a different distraction, one addiction ends another one starts. Get addicted to something else, example: the gym (diet)

  8. I just… stopped one day.

    I was working from home many years ago and got sick with the flu in the middle of winter. I ran out of cigarettes one day, and there was no way in hell I felt like going out into the cold to buy more. One day turned into two, two turned into a week, and I haven’t smoked a cigarette since. I think already feeling like shit from the flu masked the initial withdrawals to some extent.

    Of course, I still kept smoking weed up until I eventually quit that too (but I never mixed tobacco in with it, that’s just nasty.)

  9. Cold Turkey. For some reason one day Im like damn dude I go thru a lot of njoy pods for this vape. Threw all the shit out that next day.

    Wasn’t uncommon for me to rip thru a pack of pods a day.

  10. I chewed tobacco for 15 years or so. Had a couple strokes when I was 32 and when I asked the doctor if the tobacco had anything to do with it he said “No, but it certainly isn’t helping”. Apparently that’s all I needed to hear. Quit cold turkey the day I got out of the hospital and never looked back.

  11. Had kids, got tired of constantly showering before holding them to be safe, and also, I’d rather have money to take my kids to get ice cream rather than for a pack or two. All of the patches and gums, and what nots never stuck. Holding my kids made that process a lot easier.

  12. The generic version of champax, it only cost me $62 instead of like $250, and after the first week, there’s no more nicotine cravings. It’s just a matter of dropping the habits, like a smoke after a meal, for example

  13. I quit cold Turkey. I stopped the day before going on a 2 week vacation. Got most of the strong cravings out of they way with good motivation not to do use it and stuck to it when I got back. My experience is that once you get off of nicotine you realize how much the buzz kinda sucks. This was recently so I definitely do have mild cravings but not anything I can’t distract myself from.

  14. I just did, I never felt like it was an addiction I only smoked when I was stressed. So stopped smoking for 2 years before I went back to snus and cigars cus I prefer nicotine then rawdoging life

  15. Stopped smoking in 2012. I kind of went a round about way of doing it.

    Breaking the habit was the hardest part, and I knew that. I started to use dip to get my nicotine fix, but also to break my smoking habit for about 3 months. I hated dipping by the way, it’s so gross.

    After my habit was broken, I went and found this company called “Nip the Grip,” and they sold sea sponge soaked in caffeine, so I would feel like you had a dip in, but no nicotine and after about two months I stopped having cravings.

    NGL. I still have dreams where I’m not doing anything but smoking, and some stressful days I crave a smoke, but it’s something I can easily beat now.

  16. YOU have to want it. You can’t do it for someone else or try it or anything else like that.

    It is something you have to want badly enough to commit pretty much every waking moment for 2 weeks to fighting off cravings.

    I will say I phased mine down first. I was dipping (but I did smoke for 10 years as well). Started limiting how many dips I would take during the day. Slowly drawing down until it was pretty much just after meals. Then I went cold turkey. But I left the can on my desk so I actually had to have the willpower to not touch it.

    Haven’t dipped in 7 years and haven’t smoked in 15. Still love the smell of both. And if I ever get diagnosed with something terminal, I’m starting right back up. It’s that hard to quit.

  17. I smoked two packs a day. I switched to vaping and kept the nicotine the same and then very slowly lowered the amount of nicotine. Then I vaped zero nicotine juice for a while and then I stopped.

  18. Payday was the next day and we didn’t have a penny between us to buy formula for our 6 month old child. But, I did have half a carton of cigarettes left. We had formula. It was just the idea of it all. So, I smoked the last one and never touched another.

    I got sick immediately. About 3 weeks into it I lost it one evening. My wife asked me what was wrong. I told her. Somehow she hadn’t noticed that I hadn’t been chainsmoking around the house of late. I didn’t tell her because I didn’t want to make a promise I couldn’t keep.

    I had recurring dreams for years that I was smoking and back on the really crappy job I had at the time.

  19. I made myself a personal rule that I didn’t want people around me having to smell it. For a cigarette, I’d wait for my lunch break, walk home, change my clothes, smoke, shower, brush my teeth, change back into uniform and return to work. It got so annoying I stopped

  20. 7.5 months sober, quit cold turkey. I have the once in a lifetime opportunity to define who I am. Not going to be the loser who smokes.

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