Shoulder length = longest points between your shoulders

Waist length = shortest points near the area around your belly button. Waist length is not your hip length.

And do you lift weights?

  1. Last time I measured was at the end of my cut and it was 1.82 or 1.83 I don’t remember.
    I do lift weights.

  2. 2.16, the last I measured. Definitely wider in the shoulders now than I was before. And yes I lift.

  3. I do weightlifting. My waist is 28,5 cm and shoulders 52 cm (width, not circumference). Ratio 1,82.

    I don’t think anyone will get close to a 1,6 without any resistance training.

  4. 113 to 89, probably lower number on waist by now, so 1,49.
    Yes i lift, but I’m still a beginner.

  5. The only ratio I know matters is the width of your arms when outstretched to the height of your body, which in most people is very close to even.

    Which means the distance from one set of fingertips to the other when you have your arms stretched out wide in front of you is roughly even to the distance from the top of your head to your toes.

  6. Bruh, how the fuck are you supposed to even measure that by yourself? Trying to do that would just scrunch up your shoulders and mess up the result.

  7. How do you measure your shoulders? Dont really feel like asking a friend to do it for me.

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