When I was pregnant I bought this pack of mini pizzas, something I’ve definitely been able to eat before, but when I ate them I felt so disgusted by them I threw up instantly. I also did have HG so that could be partly why I threw up but I could swear it was the most disgusting thing I had ever tasted. Now even when I see them I still gag, does anyone else have this phenomenon?

  1. BBQ sauce. I had a craving for chicken nuggets dipped in BBQ sauce and now I can’t even smell it without wanting to hurl.

  2. Pickled anything, things like gherkins or beetroot, loved them pre pregnancy but can’t eat them now, even over 5 years later!

  3. Pork chops. My husband was making some on the stovetop when I was about 18 weeks along and the smell of them were just atrocious to me! Shes nearly 3 now and they’re banned in our home.

  4. I had a really strong bacon aversion with my first, 7 almost 8 years ago. It still hasn’t really come back, the enjoyment of bacon. Bacon smell is just so strong.

  5. Furikaki Japanese rice topping, with nori flakes and sesame seeds. Used to LOVE IT, now it tastes like spicy sand. I miss it.

    Someone I know still can’t eat salmon 30some years later.

  6. Ok so it’s been over 30 years and I still can’t tolerate the smell or taste of scallop potatoes. 🤢

  7. Hotdogs were a hard no for a long time after my oldest. I would randomly smell hotdogs and get nauseous and vomit while I was pregnant. Finally started being able to eat them again around 8 or 9 years after having her. Theres still a block sometimes

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