Help me build a list of cities where smoking inside bars and/or cafés is allowed. Let’s perhaps not add cities where there’s an exception or two e.g. Eszeweria in Krakow or Újezd in Prague – neither of the cities allow smoking inside.

In **Zagreb** (grew up there) smoking is allowed in bars, cafés. In **Berlin** (live here now) it is allowed to smoke in bars, and some cafés. In **Belgrade** (been a lot) you can smoke wherever you please including restaurants.

  1. I would add Bosnia to the list (fellow Balkan here). I also live in Berlin and pretty surprised by how smoking friendly it is (you can’t smoke in restaurants but 90% of the bars are smoking I think).

    I lived in Bordeaux for a year, we had bars then (2017) where you could smoke inside, but not sure what the current law is…

  2. In Frankfurt it’s common for people to smoke in bars but not all bars allow it. But I’d say about 75% of bars I’ve been to eother allowed it or had at least smoking areas inside.

    I dont know any restaurant where smoking is allowed. Exceptions are if there are tables outside, but even then a few have “no smoking” signs placed.

  3. In the Netherlands, it illegal to smoke indoors (except your own place).

    Used to be legal, then only legal in smoke rooms/lounges in bars/clubs, now only legal in own home or outdoors (except for near university, schools, sports fields, etc.)

    Do know some bars that sometimes close the shutters if only the regulars are still in and then you can smoke. Very rare though. Maybe more present in small, local, less checked pubs and stuff.

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