I(26F) have a BF (19M) and we normally sleep in the same bed. I don’t know why, but we both normally sleep nude, or with very little clothing if it’s cold, abd ge normally holds me in his sleep (side note, its cute af) But last week I woke up and felt his erection between my legs. And this has been happening almost everynight since. He was just slowly rubbing it against my vagina, but it was rubbing right on my clit. I think he genuinely would’ve made me finish just like that if I didn’t wake him up. Is this a sign we’re not having enough sex? We normally have sex once a day, and if we miss a day we normally have sex twice the day after. I don’t really dislike it, I do find it kind of hot feeling his big member between my legs, but still curious

  1. Have you discussed consent around this or is he just straight up taking advantage of you while you’re asleep every night?

  2. On the contrary it actually shows that you are having lots of sex because [Sex begets sex.](https://tpi02.wordpress.com/2022/09/30/women/) The more you have, the more you want. Both men and women have testosterone in their bodies, and when you have sex constantly, his testosterone levels rise. Since testosterone is a big contributor to sex drive, that means his libido rises too.

    Ironically this just having sex is the solution for people mostly complaining about having low sex drive. It is in having sex that makes wanna have more sex.

    The reason why most guys are constantly masturbate.

  3. My fwb has told me that I do this sometimes. Pretty sure it’s nothing, but definitely a good idea to ask about it.

  4. He’s 19 !!! That thing pops up when the wind blows!!! He’s fine…. Just a young man happy with his choices !!!

  5. I hump my boyfriend in my sleep sometimes. We have plenty of sex.
    I guess it’s the same for men. If he’s horny all the time like I am 😂

  6. Your BF might have a sleep disorder it is called sexomnia. It is a type of sleep walking. Not super common but common enough. Caused by a range of things. Might want to see a doctor/sleep specialist etc.

  7. When my wife and I were dating we both slept in the nude most of the time, I still do. We would spoon at night and she said I would gently “dry hump” against her ass while I was sleeping. She said it was a turn on to feel my erection against her ass, no penetration.

  8. He could be having a sex dream , you know how if you dream of punching someone it never connects cause you’re asleep and just flailing your arms about, but if it does connect in your dream it means you’ve most likely hit the person sleeping next to you

  9. On occasion I wake up to the same thing where my husband is fondling me while he’s still asleep. It’s super hot but isn’t an indication of a bad sex life

  10. hes 19. majority of us guys at 19 are super horny 90% of the time, i only really started to mellow out at 24.

  11. Does he snore? Does he fall asleep easily? Do you think he would fall asleep sitting quietly or watching TV in the middle of the day?
    A lot of people don’t realize that sleep apnea isn’t always for the middle-aged, overweight man. I was 22 years old and 165 lbs at 6’2″ when I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. I had a range of parasomnias, including sexsomnia, that would present when my sleep apnea was untreated.
    If he isn’t a sleepyhead or doesn’t snore, I wouldn’t worry about it. But, sleep apnea is serious. It’s considered an underlying issue. If left untreated, you can expect heart disease earlier in life, and increased chances of a severe/fatal accident. Before I was using my device, I had fallen asleep driving on the interstate.

  12. He’s probably not really asleep.

    Have a clear talk with him about boundaries, if you’re ok with this (its like sleeping free use), establish rules and have fun. If not…. idk, just express that and don’t sleep w him.

  13. As a 26 year old woman, what do you have in common with a 19 year old boy? If the genders were swapped there’d be a lot more “he’s a creep” comments. Do better, sis.

  14. my boyfriend does something similar to this in the morning as well

    i also find it hot

    usually leads to lazy side morning sex

  15. My ex husband used to do that. We had plenty of sex. He had plenty of sex with other people. I’m pretty sure it’s also a known sleep “disorder” or something like that. He never remembered doing it. As long as it doesn’t bother you, enjoy it.

  16. Me and my gf also sleep naked and usually, I wake up with an erection if we are spooned, I don’t think it’s anything bad and my gf has said she likes to feel me between her legs so… Imo I think it’s normal if you are cuddling with your partner to have an erection especially in the morning. Sometimes, if I wake up, I also slowly work my way inside her and we start having sex 😊

  17. Some nights, i hump my wife and sometimes she humps humps me it’s just a bit of affections and shows the other person is still there.

  18. Nope you could be having sex and this could be happening regularly could be a sign of a condition called Sexsomnia, research it. Usually caused by tiredness and stress.

  19. my boyfriend does the same thing with his morning wood lol i think it’s cute honestly i always wonder if he’s dreaming about it

  20. 19 and 26 is crazy…..I don’t think I would even be friends with a 19 year old let alone be sleeping with one. Jesus

    19 y/o girl and a 26 y/o man would be getting flamed. Idk how everyone is so calm lol

  21. I don’t think it means much. People are horny, especially at his age, and people dream about sex. Sounds like you didn’t mind it so no problems here.

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