Do vaginas feel different from one another? One of my biggest insecurities is the fact I’ve only have had sex with 1 women my whole life. Currently our sex life isn’t the best but in the past we has some really good sex with each other. We got together at 16 and lost our virginity to each other. We are both 34 now. At the beginning of our relationship we broke up and she had a handful of other sexual partners. She is still my 1 and only. Just curious if things really feel different from one woman to another?

  1. They vary a little but not too much. If you like her’s then you’re not missing out on much. Media way over glamorizes having sex with lots of people. Being with someone you love is alot better.

  2. Well people’s bodies are different. They move differently. They use their muscles differently. So yeah. Having sex with different people will feel very different. And there will be some parts that feel the same too…

  3. Yes, absolutely, not to poop on your question but how could they not? Every person’s anatomy and physiology is unique.

    More important: Why do you want to know? Curiosity? Desire? Insecurity? Feeling of inadequacy? All these things are so normal that anyone could have guessed them. Take this time to explore yourself, your sexuality and your thoughts on both. Best of luck on your journey.

  4. Yes they do feel different – but that’s secondary. If you have sex with another woman, everything else from the kissing to the boobs to the touching – it will all be different.

  5. I’m 36. And I wish I could say the same. Don’t stress over things that honestly don’t make you feel any better to have.
    Having a committed partner who’s tue only person I’ve been with is a dream I’ll never have. Cherish the hell out of that.

  6. Specifically the vagina imo not really very different but of course each woman in general is different

  7. I wouldn’t think it in terms of their anatomy. That’s very reductive to being just a body. That’s not it. It’s a different person. You have a different connection. You have a unique interaction with this person. Sexual expression is different. All the things.

  8. They do! That said they are vaginas, so they are all great. I don’t think I ever felt a vagina and was like “This is a sub par vagina!!”

  9. woman here and can’t answer your question but just wanted to say the answers are very sweet to read

  10. To me they are the same but like some other comments said what differs is how the woman is able to have sex like move her body with yours flex muscles in the vagina different sounding moans and appearance etc but for me as for as feel of a pussy it feels the same to me some more wet than others but generally the same

  11. I wanted to comment to say you aren’t alone. I’m 30 and have been together with my gf for 12 years while always being faithful. We’ve always gotten along great and even the sex has always been frequent and good imo, but I have wondered if I’m “missing out” on experiencing numerous people. But we really enjoy sex and since we’ve been together so long we get to experience the freakier, kinky side of sex that I can’t imagine is common with people whom you only hookup with once.

    I guess the question will remain for the time being, but it’s not worth throwing away an excellent relationship imo because I know that it could be so much worse for me.

  12. All sexual encounters are unique in one way or another. Everyone’s different. That’s part of what makes it fun!

  13. I’ve been with my wife for 25 years. She’s the only woman I’ve ever been with. I have absolutely no insecurities. We have massive amounts of sex. It’s absolutely amazing. We have three kids. We’re both on bioidentical hormonal therapy and we are having sex twice a day. It’s freaking amazing!

  14. Vaginas do vary a lot. Some are shallow, some are deep. Some are tight and some are less tight. The tighter ones are like a religious experience imho.

  15. The vagina is a warm, wet, snug love passage into which to release your love juice, some are tighter than others, but they all work the same. The real question is what will you do to ensure your lady reaches orgasm.

  16. Yup. There is a wide variety of vaginas out there but I’ve enjoyed all of them.

    Edit: I haven’t experienced all vaginas. The ones that I was lucky enough to experience I enjoyed all of them.

  17. Yes absolutely but it’s not like the crazy variance you are probably imagining it. Think about it like a car. You can own an Accord or a Pilot, and there are distinct differences, but at the end of the day it’s just two vehicles getting from one point to the next.

  18. The anatomy is the same just like with males however in most little things will be different that makes the overall thing slightly different but one another

  19. They are different but not that different. The experience itself can be very different, the vaginas usually just slightly different.

  20. The feeling you have being in a vagina, the sensations that cause you to climax are the same. Her scent, natural lubrication, labia, clitoris, etc. varies. But, tbh, if you’re attracted to her and aroused, you’re not judging her against others you’ve had – especially, while you’re having sex.

  21. I was in a similar situation for 7 years and ended up breaking up. Tbh, I read that all vaginas are different but when I actually had sex with others, found this to be technically true but pretty muted. Maybe I’ve just got the average ones, but I bet most are average. They all feel good

  22. They do all feel different to my understanding but just like 🍆, it’s what u do with it.

  23. Yes. Texture, warmth, wetness are all different. But even the same woman can feel different depending on where she is on her cycle.

  24. there are some variations for sure , its hard to find to clits that look the same but on the inside apart from being looser or tighter the feeling is the same .

  25. Yes, they feel different. But honestly, if you’ve found a good partner you’re set. No need to venture out just to feel the different feelings.

  26. The vagina itself doesn’t feel that different, but the whole experience totaly does. Different confidence and preferences may lead to more or less muscle tightening in the vagina, alternations in the angle of penetration, general hips movements and rhythm, etc.

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