Sharing some advice given to me recently.

Dating can be quite a rollercoaster, filled with unexpected twists and turns. We all face challenges and stress and heartbreak along the way, and learning to manage your worries is like giving yourself a superpower in this journey.

These worries, while often legitimate, have a sneaky way of getting out of hand, sapping your energy and making life even more demanding.

So, here’s a down-to-earth approach to help you regain control and ease the overwhelming grip of your concerns:
🤔 Pick a Worry, Any Worry
📊 Assess the Odds and Impact: Now, think about the chances of this worry actually happening and how it would impact your life.
💪 Tap into Your Superpowers: We all have a set of skills and resources that can help us handle life’s challenges.

By taking a little time to reflect on your dating life, you can adopt a more positive outlook on the situation. 🌱💪

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