Alot of this is subconscious. Also i know alot of people think 5’7 average adult short no i I mean like very significant short like 5’0-5’3. I feel bad for those guys. I have a friend that height and no one has ever taken an interest in him. Nothing is “creepy” or “concerning ” about him if anything he’s one of the smartest people i know. He’s just another guy in a group of young adult skaters and the rest of the guys do just fine hell they seem to have women orbit them. But when its come to my 5 foot homie women openly call him a child and constantly keep him at a distance.

  1. Yes it is, truthfully. It is not associated hatred or dislike though, it’s more associated incompetence or immaturity. This is WRONG morally and practically but people gonna hate :/

  2. Nope.

    Regarding friends and acquaintances of any gender: lots of people don’t care, or don’t notice. I had a friend in college who was 6’5”. I never noticed (for whatever reason, my brain just levels everyone out and I struggle to conceptualize who is taller than me or shorter than me). One day someone asked me how tall he was and I said I didn’t know, maybe like average height? He was shocked – he’d spent so much of his life being tall that it became part of his identity and he couldn’t understand how someone else might truly not notice.

    Regarding romantic partners: the world is full of people with different preferences, as well as people of all different heights. Some women who are as short or shorter will be happy to finally meet someone who is on their (literal) level. Others will be taller and be into short guys. Others won’t have height on their list of likes or dislikes either way. Plenty of people’s physical attraction is heavily influenced by whether they enjoy someone’s company, too.

    I’ve known very charismatic men who are extraordinarily short, and very tall men who you’d never notice if they were the only person in the room – they just sort of blended with the wallpaper. There are of course lots of people who are for whatever reason personally offended by men who aren’t all 6’2” tall or taller and women who aren’t 5’4” or shorter across the board, but they are by no means everyone, and honestly, their obsession with superficial characteristics makes them lousy company.

  3. 5’2 guy at 18 here. I love being short for the sport’s benefits of being light and able to build muscle easily, and i probably wouldn’t change it if i had the choice. Is it really that pronounced? Like do most people actually openly view short guys as inferior, even if its just subconsciously, or is it just a particularly shallow vocal minority that expresses their dislike?

  4. I mean, you can sort out people you do and don’t want to be with. Shallow women who only care about stuff like height, dick size, or race will avoid you. Not saying being short is better ofc, but it allows you to find the people you want to hang around and I find, whenever I make short friends, things are a bit more lighthearted compared to being around taller people where I have to make sure I can properly perform regular social skills and stuff.

    No, I don’t think it’s negative. But I do think there are stereotypes and preconceptions about being short that aren’t good. Your friend should hang around different friends if you guys tolerate that shit. Your friend should be a pavkage deal and insulting this dude because of his height should be an insult to you and your friends’ ability to find good people to be around.

  5. There is no bad publicity. If people are noticing you, the ball is in your court to make an impression. I feel worse for the invisible average compared to the real short kings

  6. I’m a 5 ‘4 man. I’m handsome so my situation may differ than some but I’ve never had someone openly seem to judge or discriminate me based on my height, but I do think being short acts a kind of filter in a sense that shallow people will avoid you.

    In my career, I’ve only worked remotely. Interestingly, I’m very well-regarded in my workplace and people ALWAYS assume I’m over 6-feet tall. So I do think there is a mental correlation with competence and leadership with being tall.

  7. Hell naw! There was a midget walking around the Halloween party a couple weeks ago and he was cool as fuck!! Then Halloween weekend he was DJing the next party we went to!!!! He was the man!!! He was that guy!!

  8. Woman here. Thinking of your question I thought that even if I don’t really care, it would probably feel weird to meet men smaller than me.

    Then I wondered if that had ever happened, and how I had reacted.

    Turns out I know a lot of men my size, never really realized that they were considered small for men. I’ve also met men smaller than me and my reaction was something like “oh, he’s small”, end of it, never thought about it again, to the point that I needed your question to remember those men’s were smaller than me; I mostly remember them for the time we spent together or what their work was, what we spoke of. But not their size. If you ask me about them I could tell you they’re smart / nice / passionate, but size would probably not come up unless you ask what they physically looks like. And even then it’s just a feature like another. I mean, I know young bald men too, don’t see much of a difference (I love hairs, so I’ll prefer small guys rather than bald, but I mean both are just a physical trait)

    So yeah, I guess it’s really not a big deal for me. If anything I would probably feel safer with a small guy (which sadly tells a lot about our society)

  9. I’m a 5 9 woman and I rarely realize when I’m taller or shorter than other people. I just don’t give a shit.

    I’ve had men introduce themselves with “Wow, sorry I’m short.” And it’s like dude. That wasn’t anywhere close to my attention.

  10. Height is an easy scapegoat that men use to ignore their flaws and blame their treatment solely on their height, this is coming from a super short dude

  11. This stuff bums me out, I wish there was just a pill guys could take to give them growth spurts to reach whatever the “acceptable” height and attractiveness is, and then we could just judge each other on their personalities and actions.

  12. Yes, for some reason people feel they can openly mock/tease me for my height(5’1). There is definitely a “not man enough” mentality that strangers/coworkers/family/anyone really, have no shame in reminding you of the fact. But i’ll add this – at the end of the day, it’s up to me to decide how much i care & how much of an impact i want those things to have on me. Which I am currently working towards not caring about things out my control or other’s opinions of me.

  13. Yes. And 5’7 is not an average adult male anywhere in the Western world, it’s 5’9.

  14. No. You’ll be a fox in assisted care then in the nursing homes. All the tall guys die by then. … No, really.

  15. probably even if it doesn’t make sense, im like above avg and i already have problems with leg room, bed sizes and that kind of stuff. whereas my small mate is chilling and at boob height

  16. My goodness I hate this argument and I hate people who think like this. I am a 5’2″ woman and I don’t consider myself short. I consider myself a person. A person who owns a stepstool to reach the top shelf in my closet maybe, but still just a person. *Many* of my friends and people I know are around this height.

    My ex of fifteen years was 5’5″ and while he had his major flaws, his height was perfect. Just tall enough to reach where I couldn’t but not so tall that it broke my neck to kiss him (🤮 sorry but he was toxic so this is a super negative thought for me now). But people always ragged on him for his height and this pissed me off so much.

    There’s room for people under 5’7″ and that height alone isn’t “short”. My god people need to let this go and let people exist for things they can’t control.

  17. We live in a very judgemental society when it comes to short men.

    Might be a broad generalization but women seem more superficial when they are young. Eventually the tatted up buff guys loses his appeal after they’ve had some experience dating a few assholes of that type.

    The good news for him is that what really counts is what’s on the inside when it comes to staying in a relationship. It might be harder for him to meet women but naturally they will become attracted to him if he puts the work in to be kind, confident and successful in his own right.

  18. Not quite the same but there’s a line from Shantaram that I think about often: ‘There’s a dark feeling—less than hatred, but more than loathing—that ugly men feel for handsome men. It’s unreasonable and unjustified, of course, but it’s always there’

    It’s probably an oversimplification but damn does it ring true sometimes. Your friend may not hit immediately it off with the ladies, but connections and social status have an attraction of their own.

  19. Yes I’m 5’6” and when I got to the western clubs everyone’s wearing platforms heels or boots, so their already taller height means I’m dancing with frankly no-one. All I can really do is swap drinks at the bar and run my charm; I’m pretty good at it haha but as soon as I’m off that chair I can’t dance with no-one.

    Sucks because the torso is just as long, the shoulders just as wide but the limbs be stocky and I see the disappointment in their eyes more than once. Eventually I just stopped going out to those places, I stay standing up elsewhere so folks can filter me out on their own rather than feel mislead.

  20. No, in fact I’ve noticed a couple of upsides to being short.

    1. People trust you more easily because people see short men as less of a physical threat. I’ve noticed that other men tend to open up to me a lot and women don’t seem to have their constant guard up around me, so I’ve had lots of close relationships with both genders and I think being physically smaller helped with that.

    2. People expect less of you, so everything you do gets more notice. I think people (especially guys) are subconsciously aware that it’s hard to be short so they have a particular kind of respect for those who win at life despite it.

    In my opinion, being a short guy sort of cripples your first impression, but once people get to know you they will love you.

  21. Short guys are some of the most interesting dudes I’ve ever met tbh. It’s a funny coincidence that really has nothing to do with height I think, but I tend to gravitate towards them. I’m also short. Tall guys I know always seem so shy

  22. Im 5’3, 24 years old guy and I’ve never had this negatively affect me in my life other than maybe first grade lol. No one ever says anything to me about it, and it’s never been an issue to the ladies Ive pursued, but I’m handsome, funny, and muscular. Actually most women I’ve been with have confessed their feelings for me before I have. But your limits are up to your imagination. If you’re just a cool person it shouldn’t impact your life in any significant way other than having to own a step ladder to put up some home decor. In the grand scheme, we’re all pretty tiny anyway.

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