Genuine question, a guy im hooking up with said he wants to watch me fuck another girl, but like does he just sort of sit on a chair in the room? Walk around and spectate? Wtf goes on idk maybe i need to watch a porn video. Am i supposed to involve him in it and maybe talk to him during it or just pretend like hes not there

  1. My girlfriend just stands at the door like šŸ§ā€ā™€ļøsheā€™ll comment on it, ask a few perverted questions then go back downstairs. We keep the door open for her just incase.

    Youā€™ll need to ask him what he specifically visualises in his mind.

  2. Itā€™s a lot easier than you think. Youā€™ll be preoccupied with who youā€™re having sex with and wonā€™t pay much attention to the person watching

  3. Any time I have watched people having sex I sit back and get comfortable and grab a beer and just enjoy the showā€¦

  4. The first (rhetorical) question is: what are you comfortable with and do you want out of it?

    In my mind, if heā€™s asking it of you, you are the one in control of the terms if you choose to agree to it.

    He may be fine with just watching, but I doubt heā€™d want to be completely ignored. Youā€™d have to ask him.

  5. I can be a real turn-on for all involved. Discuss beforehand if the girl is ok being touched by your partner.

  6. I have been watched twice in my life, with alcohol being involved both times.

    Definitely talk to them about it, but I personally feel it is rude to not be fully engaged with your active partner. But everyone is different.

  7. You should ask him what exactly he wants. Some like to just watch, in which case all you have to do is act like he’s not there.

  8. Me and my wife had sex while people were in my dorm room, they didnā€™t know what we were doing though

  9. Make sustained eye contact with the person watching. Donā€™t break the eye contact, ever

  10. Everyone’s different, don’t assume. Ask him directly. He may want to watch. He may want to watch and participate just a little, like verbal encouragement or the occasional caress. He may want to watch and not be allowed to touch even though he wants to, some folks get off on the denial of it. He may want to be gagged and handcuffed in a corner while he watches. Who knows? He does.

  11. Yes he just watches.
    Love when my man watches me play with other men, and fks me after.

  12. It depends on the situation.
    Some guys are happy to watch, I personally want to join inšŸ˜Š
    Iā€™ve been at parties where it was good to have something to watch during the recovery phase.
    It gets me hard again and ready for more.
    Iā€™ve also been one of the active participants where we had to tie up the watcher (voluntarily) so that she couldnā€™t get involved. We had tried it on a previous occasion and she couldnā€™t contain herself, she jumped on the bed and helped herself to my penis.

  13. Usually he would sit at a small table to watch and at various points will raise a numbered paddle to let you know how youā€™re getting on.

    Depending on the mood he may also dramatically shout the stated number.

  14. So I’ve been watched a couple of times. One time a girl watched when my girlfriend and I had sex. My gf lived in a collective housing. Everyone had their own rooms, but doors were generally unlocked. There was a knock on the door (while we were having sex), then one of her girlfriends entered and simply asked if she could watch us have sex. We quickly agreed. So she sat down in a sofa and simply just watched us. I don’t even know if she was masturbating, but I don’t think so. Afterwards she simply said “that was awesome, you’re lovely together, thank you!” and left.

    If you’re up for it, you should ask him what he wants, how he wants it to go down.

  15. It’s amazing if all parties are loving it. The tension of just watching can be insane! Hearing ā€œyour turnā€ is fucking šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ!!!

  16. I used to watch my first wife with her girlfriends all the time. Even with the guys in our club. It was not weird to us, and that was our deal with each other going into it in 1970. We practiced a very “open” marriage from the start.

    It really saved us when I was burned over 60% of my body in 1977. When I got out of the hospital after 4 skin grafts, it was a form of sexual release for the both of us. It took me 2.5 years to be able to have sex again, so watching her, made my day.

    It’s not for everyone, that’s true. For people in that lifestyle, it comes easier than you think. Orgies are great fun with the right group of people.. Has to be the right people though. One idiot can spoil the party for everybody.

  17. No he just wants to chill in the room and watch..ive done it before with 3 somes where each guy takes turns watching

  18. The respectful thing would be for him to put on a WWE ring announcer/ref uniform and spectate throughout

  19. I could never ever ever watch a girl I’m dating, or even just fucking, fuck another dude as I watch in the corner with a dick that isn’t sure what to do, and a bag of candy corn.

    I could absolutely have sex with someone while being watched, though. That turns me on actually. I very so often will cam with a girl and we have sex on her live stream with literally thousands of people watching. It was weird at first but, it’s strangely fun and idk, exhilarating.

    I’ve had sex in front of people in real life as well, and same feeling.

    But I’d never be cool or ok watching a woman I care about get fucked bky ksomeone else in front of me.

  20. ADVICE
    As others have said ask him what he wants. BUT yes watch some porn and think about what YOU want. Some people get off on pleasing the other person but itā€™s important you get off on it. Think about if you/he want it to be vanilla or want any kink elements like restraints involved for either of you.

    Iā€™ve done it all in different combinations. Some ideas.

    1. Me sitting drinking beer where I watched my girlfriend get fucked by a guy/girl
    2. Me tied to a chair where I watched my girlfriend get fucked by another guy/girl
    3. Me using a camera where my girlfriend fucked another guy/girl
    4. My girlfriend and I were restrained and both got fucked by other guys/girl.

  21. Agree. Ask details. Get the other girls input as well. She maybe just into you. You donā€™t want everything to be ruined if you ask him to join in & she doesnā€™t want that.

  22. Either pretend he’s not there (forget he is there and just enjoy yourself), or pretend he is the camera man..

    If he is joining in, well, that should take care of itself…

  23. Omg one of my biggest fantasies is to have someone watch me fuck. I have yet to find a guy who is into it though. Iā€™m an exhibitionist for sure šŸ˜‚

  24. He wants to be involved very much so. Super hot. I would love to bring another female into the bedroom but Iā€™m so scared it would ruin my marriage. Have fun!!

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