I’m all for doing things alone. I (F24) don’t mind going to small festivals or events by myself. But today there is this big techno party for which I got 2 free tickets a while back for me and my partner. I thought it would be in the evening but just found out it is a daytime party and my boyfriend can’t come during the day and I don’t have anyone else to go with.

I have been looking forward to this party for a while but I’m not sure if it would be safe to go to such an event by myself. I feel vulnerable because if someone would spike my drink there’s nobody who can look after me or make sure I get home safely. Not that I think this is a shady party or anything but there’s always a chance of crazy people anywhere.

Am I overreacting and should I just go and have fun or would it he better to skip this part altogether?

Edit: thanks everyone for the replies! I went and it was great. It was on a boat so once you were on you couldn’t get off until the end. I had talked to the organisation/security so people knew I was by myself and I could go to them if anything would happen. I also had regular check ins with my boyfriend and another friend via texts. I met many lovely people who included me in their groups and looked after me. Of course I didn’t get drunk and was carefully protecting my drinks. I had a great time and I am glad I went anyway.

  1. Not overreacting at all. Something like this will be as safe as you make it. Don’t accept drinks from strangers for starters. If you have to use the restroom, make sure the door is firmly locked.

    Check in with people every now and again via text and let someone know when you’re heading home as well.

    Use common sense and you should be able to rave the day away 🙂

  2. It’s definitely a worry. I go sometimes out of town by myself. I make sure to keep a constant eye on my surroundings, never let my drink leave my hand or let someone near me enough to slip something in my drink. If possible, I do try and take a friend with me or meet up with friends at what ever I’m doing. It’s nice to get away and be by myself at times. It helps me open up and make new friends, you just have to be cautious, never go to a place where no one is around, obviously no dark alleys, know the exits and never get drunk. Stay aware.

  3. Honestly going alone would be a lot safer than just inviting some stranger from reddit.

    Youll be alright, just dont let your drinks out of your sight. Stay in crowded areas and just try and talk shit with people, youll make friends somewhere eventually and then just stick with them.

    And rememver most people are a lot more nervous and awkward then u think, they just hide it better. Easier said than done but dont be afraid to talk to groups of people who seem friendly

  4. No it is not. If you can say there isn’t at least one person you know for sure will have your back. Then no.

  5. Probably don’t consume alcohol during the event and remain sober. It’ll take out a huge part of the fun but it’s necessary in my opinion.

  6. Go have fun. Make sure you share location with a friend and limit your drinking to 1 drink every 1.5 hours followed by water. Bring snacks with you to munch on and the second you feel uncomfortable leave. Make sure you have phone charger and mace. Schedule an uber for a certain time.

  7. If you do go realize IF something does happen like a shooting, drink spike, maybe u get too drunk, you can’t make it back home, whatever the problem may be you’ll be facing it alone without help. Imo to have to have the worry in my head when I’m there I’d rather go to the next one. There’s always going to be more to come. It’s like trying to take the exit ramp last second, sure it’s possible but why risk it when you can just get to the next one safely.

  8. If you know how to keep yourself safe then sure. Don’t leave your drinks with anyone always keep an eye on it. Make sure you scan the people when your moving about just to be wary if your being followed. Have a few people to text updates to every half hour or something so they know somethings wrong if they don’t receive a text. If your going to the toilet make sure your checking the door to see if it’s firmly locked. Have a way for people you trust to track you via phone or AirTag

  9. Depends on where you are and the crowd I guess. In Berlin, there are clubs where you can walk in half-naked and no one would even stare at you.

  10. The most important phrase to scream ‘I don’t know this person, help me!’ You will be amazed at the number of men who will step in. If you don’t say I don’t know then, the average guy will assume it is some sort of minor domestic disagreement and won’t step in unless you are being physically assaulted (even then there will be less men than if you yelled this is a stranger)

    Don’t get yourself alone. Always be around a lot of people

    Careful with the drinks. Cover the opening. Don’t share. Don’t get completely hammered. There are very few people that look for this opportunity / wellness, but be safe and limit this risk

    I hope this helps

  11. You should definitely go! Just be aware of your surroundings and mind your drink.
    Whenever I go out alone I let two friends know that can check in and I share my live location with them. I usually check in with them when I get there and when I leave or tell them if I’m going to an after party. I don’t go home with anyone that won’t give me their socials (I send profiles to friends just incase).

  12. Go and don’t drink. Don’t drink at all. Not even a soda. If you need a drink buy a sealed water bottle and if you can’t finish it at once throw the rest away. Do not put it down and drink from it again.

    If you get drunk on your own or you get roofied because you weren’t paying attention then that’s on you.

    Rapists are monsters who deserve life in prison.

    But it is your responsibility to stay aware and keep yourself safe.

  13. I did something similar at your age at a festival and was feeling lonely by myself, so I let some conversation in the drink tent lead to meeting some new people. They were much older than I was at the time and I drank a lot to try to keep up. I ended up back at their house after the show where an after party was happening, and ended up making some poor decisions with this stranger. It was consensual, but I didn’t go into that evening thinking I’d end up in some strangers bed. I personally do regret not being more conscious of the risks and possible outcomes going into the event the way you are 🙂

    I think you should go and have fun. Besides my questionable decisions, I had a great time and I danced and sang my heart out. Just keep a good head on your shoulders and only accept unopened drinks from a bartender, nothing opened or from any random people. In fact, you could stay 100% sober and not drink anything at the event, and this would really help your decision making. Also, bring earplugs to protect your hearing! Shows are still awesome with them and it helps save your eardrums

  14. Go but stay sober. Speaking from my experience, please do not drink without a companion with you who is genuinely looking out for your well-being.

  15. Aak yourself this would you want your nan going to a party drinking awhile z ton if chicks wanna suck his dick? Ir should he stay home

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