I’ve got a Tinder date in a couple days, she’s 18 and I’m 22. As of right now the plan is just to get dinner and walk around for a bit afterwards, but with how the conversation over text has been going, I’m getting some heavy hints that she’s interested in going back to her place and sleeping together. I’ve slept with a couple other people in my life but they’ve all been the same age as me, so I’m not sure how to proceed here and whether or this is okay or creepy.

I’m not looking for any validation or justification, I just want some outside perspectives

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  2. 4 year difference.. ehhhh it’s pushing it I feel. I know it’s just 4 years. My mind just cringes because the brain develops at like 25 so youre way closer to having your brain developed than she is so even tho it’s 4 years it’s feels like a noticeable gap mentally. I’m on the fence I think lol.

  3. For the love of god check her ID. When I was 20 in college there was an 18 year old waitress at the restaurant I worked at. Invited her to a party and almost hooked up. Turns out she was 16 and it was her first job. That could have been very bad for me. Could go bad for you.

  4. You’re both of legal age so I don’t see what the problem is….

    If she was under 18 then bit more of a drama.

  5. No, she isn’t mature enough to be with you. Leave her alone. Let her date people her own age

  6. I have a 12 year difference between me and my boy… Same age gap as my parents just reverse genders. And then don’t get me started on the gap of my grandparents XD
    All depends on perspective and opinions I guess mmhm. As long as everyone is of legal age it’s all good.

  7. Legally you’re obviously fine. I’d say it’s a gray area morally. Four years isn’t a big deal when the couple are 30 and 26, or even 26 and 22. I’d you hit it off you won’t even be able to take her out to a bar or any other 21+ establishment or event for 3 years.

  8. My girlfriend was 18 and I was 22 when we met. She’s been the best thing to happen to me in my life and the most relatable person I’ve talked to. I definitely wouldn’t worry about that small age gap!

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