For the first time in my 33(f) years of life…I finally met someone I want to marry. This is quite the big deal for me. For as long as I can remember I have been very adamant about never wanting children and possibly never wanting to get married. but wow….this is such a strange feeling. I made a Pinterest board…i want to get the dress and make a guest list and pick out bridesmaids… colors? (Is that a thing??) and I want to do all the other silly things weddings entail. I want to be with this man forever, no matter what happens. I can’t even think about the possibility of being with anyone else. Ever. He has Expressed the same feelings. It’s been wonderful . We have only been together about 4 months though …Am I just in some sort of puppy love? Or is this really something real? Am I actually going to be married one day?

To be honest I never thought that would ever be in the cards for someone like me. (Very low self esteem and unsure about myself a lot) idk why I even posted this. I just needed to put my feelings out there somewhere and maybe someone who has been married or been through this can help me?

  1. That’s wonderful. Enjoy this time. ❤️ No need to rush. You may well be building a foundation for something lifelong.

  2. First of all, enjoy this time. Don’t sabotage yourself by being suspicious because you are too happy. Go with it! This is supposed to be FUN.

    Second, four months is not long enough to truly know a person or even to understand if you are compatible and share the same goals and vision for the future. This could be true love, or it could be infatuation. That remains to be seen. It could be this is the one, or it could be that you are still in new relationship energy territory. Keep on dating, I would say at least a year, but two is better. Don’t ignore red flags just because you like him and this feels different to you.

    Don’t rush into anything. There is no reason to at all, especially since you said you do not want kids. If you still feel this way after a year or two, then get married and be happy you found your person!

  3. 4 months isn’t a lot of time to know someone. Nobody will judge if you start planning a wedding now if you want to, but set the date for next year, that’s just my opinion.

  4. This is almost exactly what happened when I met my wife. We were married 7 months after our first date. We’d known of each other for 2 years prior to this. 17 years later we are still each other’s person.

  5. Yes, 4 months in is quick, however I’m also of the opinion that when you know, you know. When I met my husband, the first “Hello” hug felt like home. My parents got engaged 9 months after they met and have been married for over 50 years now. It’s wonderful that you feel this way and that he also feels the same way. There’s nothing saying that you can or can’t get engaged so quickly but please make sure that you take the engagement slower and get to know each other and live with each other for a bit before getting hitched.

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