Do you see a turn around anytime within 10-15 years , or is the cat out of the bag ?

  1. Ive said it once and I’ll say it again. No video of police acting normal is going to be popular on the internet. While things have been better the media and internet make it out was worse than it is.

  2. > What is going with…. American politics

    Same shitshow different circus

    > fighting

    It’s being egged on by the above circus

    > arrests

    That would be call “enforcing laws”?

    > ethics violations

    Emboldened by the previous son of a bitch in chief, morons thought they could get away with them. They can’t.

    > Is America falling to the abyss

    Please stop drinking.

  3. So, did reddit decide to actually pay attention to politicians and not just what the news reported recently?

  4. There’s an election cycle gearing up so the propaganda is flowing.

    It’s gotten easier to spread propaganda over the last few cycles, and there’s probably no end in sight for that trend.

  5. Politics has always been a bit of a circus, but the current state of things is especially embarrassing. We need to start electing sane, competent people on both sides of the aisle instead of mindlessly voting for whatever clowns entertain us the most.

  6. *Of course* it’s falling into the abyss. I can’t say with absolute certainty that our decline is literally irrecoverable. Then again, there’s almost nothing that I can say with absolute certainty.

  7. Nah, this is just same old same old. Not the first time our politicians had (were going to) a slug out, gotten arrested, etc. caught in illegal activities.

    The only difference with the last two, I would say is that people are more aware and in tune, so they’re getting caught more often.

  8. Just taking a page out the British Parliament style during a heated political time.

    We used to have duels.

  9. It’s honestly nothing new. Every now and then people in DC get salty, egos get bruised, and things eventually return to the status quo.

  10. Selection bias.

    Nothing new is going on. There’s just many more people around with cameras to film it than there used to be, and that sort of sensationalist content gets clicks.

    Time to watch *Nightcrawler* again.

  11. American politics have been rough around the edges since “American politics” have existed as a concept.

    Actually, since before that even.

  12. It’s business as usual. It has actually been much worse historically; one senator beat another senator over the head with a cane in 1856.

  13. We’re returning to business-as-usual after a 30-40 year period of exceptional dignity and civility.

    Carter and Reagan, however you feel about them, were both class acts that set the bar for conduct and professionalism very high. Other very esteemed members of government like Barry Goldwater did their part too.

    Now that generation is retired/dead and 2016 broke everybody’s brains.

  14. Lol no.

    Politics is a circus right now, but like, this country has been through far worse, more unstable periods and has remained remarkably politically and economically stable compared to the rest of the world.

    Pretty much all of Europe spent the 20th century under genocidal dictatorships and they were able to fully bounce back from even that.

    The US can certainly course correct from this.

    Also- notice they are getting caught and facing consequences and rules are being changed. The system is still working as intended.

  15. It’s not that bad, the 24 hour media cycle has a habit of over hyping how bad things are. Not to say that there is no problems but it’s no 1861. expect things to settle down in the next year or so.

  16. We based a society around the ideals of free market capitalism and a compromised version of democracy designed to give people who liked slavery an amount of political power disproportionate to their numbers in a misguided attempt to “hear both sides.”

    We’re approaching critical mass on that. Capitalism is speeding us towards a doomsday scenario that will destroy the planet. Meanwhile, we’re incapable of using our kneecapped democratic processes to elect people who want to do anything about it, because the modern-day slavers don’t want to lose profits. And they’ve militarized the police to prevent anything outside the system they control from happening with lethal force.

    It’s not gonna happen in 10-15 years but we *can* make a better country. All we have to do is decide that human life is more important than money.

  17. The cat was out of the bag at the First Continental Congress. This is how America has always been.

  18. The thing a lot of non-Americans miss is that very, very little of this chaos–the fights, the minor ethics violations, the arrests–has any kind of impact on the day-to-day lives of a large majority of Americans. George Santos, who I presume you’re referring to, represents about 720,000 New Yorkers–a laughably miniscule fraction of the population.

    And, as much as I hated the guy, this was even true of the Trump administration.

  19. It’s really not even that bad. The congressional GOP caucus is basically the youtube comments section, and they’re pretty good at manipulating today’s media, so you see a lot of moments on social media that are outrageous. But a lot of the perception of things being awful, the economy being bad, congress being dysfunctional, and the US being on brink are simply media narratives drummed up by a competitive and complex media environment for profit. And 99% of the bad stuff is just happening online.

  20. More so than the rest of the world? Hard to say. Seems like everything’s pretty fucked these days, and it’s hard to imagine it getting better anytime soon. But America’s certainly fucked in some unique ways, and our problems tend to be a lot more visible than most (because of our outsized influence economically and also because we have a tendency to make our problems everyone else’s problem too).

    I could write a whole book on what I think the source of America’s unique problems are (and many people have), but the short version is that most of them have the roots in the unique mixture of white supremacy, individualism, colonialism and capitalism that has been with us since the beginning.

    Also, most of it is Reagan’s fault. And what isn’t his fault, is Nixon’s. And what isn’t Nixon’s is Woodrow Wilson’s. (I’m simplifying here, but only slightly).

    Of course, this is my perspective as a leftist. I’m sure plenty of conservatives would argue that the problems we’re seeing are my fault, or that they’re not problems at all actually because America is the greatest nation in the world. But frankly, their arguments seem much more based in feelings than facts.

  21. As you can seen from this thread, opinions on anything political vary pretty severely. Shit is actually pretty fucked right now, but it’s political to even say that. Who knows what the best 10-15 years holds for America or the world frankly. One of the more interesting things of my lifetime (40ish years) is the death of political certainty. Particularly for the last two decades shit has been pretty wild.

    This isn’t new historically but it is jarring after the close of the Cold War and the vague expectations people had of things being “better”.

  22. ahem: “Doooomed! DOOOMED, I tell ye! If you don’t flee this damned place, God save you- who knows what could befall you?!”

    Happy now, “revolutiontime”?

  23. No, I just think we’re rehashing the 70s with less mohair and no lurking specter of nuclear annihilation

  24. Eh, people were predicting the end of American society during the late ’60s. We’ve seen this sort of nonsense before – it’s been much worse, actually.

  25. Its a mix of people paying more attention and a natural flare-up of social tensions in America- natural in the sense that it was a predictable response and it especially happens when the disenfranchised in America attempt to gain more power and are rebuked by those with privilege or power or influence.

  26. MarkWayne Mullin, my senator, is a jackass. There are a lot of really dumb and/or ignorant voters.

  27. It’s a bit like saying the EU as a whole is going to fall into the abyss; the EU superstructure doesn’t move fast enough or have enough power to capsize without a pretty sustained effort. The feds here will keep on chooglin’, keep on fighting over bills that won’t pass & being as garbage as the feds have always been, while state governments maintain high public approval ratings and handle almost everything but pensions & the military.

  28. Turn around is coming.

    I recognize trump is still leading the Republican polls but I’m more focused on the building Republican opposition to this insanity. Guys like Chris Christie and Larry Hogan were never Trumpers and are significantly more electable than anyone else in the field, not right now, but they will be once Trump is cooked in the courts.

    Democrats have already made it clear they believe playing to the moderates while promising bullshit to the extremes is the way to go. Hillary, Obama, Biden. Not Sanders, Warren, Yang. Dems are also abandoning the fringes. Biden’s economy will reinforce this tactic.

    Biden will win 2024, a bunch of lunatics will be voted out of the legislature in 2026, and republicans will pick a moderate in 2028 to win.

  29. This is the kind of question that REALLY frustrates me.

    Please, pick up a history book. Go to the chapter on 1850 politics. You will see Senator’s hitting each other in the head with canes. Check out the chapter on BLEEDING KANSAS.

    Which was people going around and burning down the town next door if they disagreed with them.

    What is happening now IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING when compared to the CIVIL WAR period which lasted FOR A LONG TIME and ended up killing over 600,000 people.

    Check out the next chapter on corruption. When during the Grant administration, phrases like CORNER THE GOLD market entered the language.

    And then, finally, read the chapter on Tammany HALL!

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