I personally put on YMCA 12 hours straight then back to the grind how bout u all ?

  1. I was in this exact situation for about 2 weeks due to a variety of issues at once. I was taken by family to the local emergency department and im currently in rehab.

    2 weeks down, 1 week to go.

  2. Depends on your definition of young. I’m 31 (which I still consider young), and I’ve been getting really into guitar recently. I played a bit as a kid and always did music-related stuff up through college, but haven’t really had music making in my life since then. So since I started playing again, it reignited this passion in me.

  3. When I’m feeling like that, I can’t usually appreciate the simple pleasures. So I do nothing. I just sit with those feelings and explore my thoughts. Maybe express my love and appreciation for my wife since she is my light in those moments. Then once I’ve sufficiently snapped out of that, I go one of two ways: dive into the simple pleasures, like drugs, masturbation/porn, video games, or I go on a productivity spree and do laundry, dishes, cleaning, etc.

  4. Not gonna lie, to many ppl that i know get this hopelessness state far more frequently in recent years.
    It will sound stupid but my way has always been brain off and move on. Standing still and being miserable never helped me out. When better options present themself i try to take them

  5. Take care of myself and practice hobbies that matter to me. Gym/working out is a big one, makes me feel so much better about myself.

  6. I never had all of it at once. But when I feel bad, I go for a hike into nature. The perfect space to get some distance from the problems, fresh air, physical exercise, peace and silence where I can think through my thoihhzs, structure them and find ways to solve them step by step.

  7. A lot of intense exercise, a lot of high quality cannabis vaporization, a lot of cooking/baking, and perhaps most importantly, a lot of carbohydrates and sleep. Enjoy, gents

  8. I keep going. There isn’t really a “cheering up” atm. Life seems hopeless but the best I can do is keep going and hope that my attempts to change things somehow works.

  9. Well, I haven’t killed myself specifically because I know the effects of it beyond family and friends.

    My friend’s brother’s suicide is probably one of the most impactful experiences I’ve ever had in my life, even 7 years later.

    It still hurts to imagine my brothers or parents finding me if I were to do it.

  10. It’s all about the self improvement (as a lot of other people say here). I put on some of Rocky’s training montages, then get working on my exercise equipment.

    If you’re not into exercise, do what Julie Andrews said and go to your favorite things. For me, it’s fixing and restoring my 2 cars. Find your hobby and passion, and just roll with it.

    Also, if you are feeling depressed, suicidal, lonely, I’d urge you to seek professional help.

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