I[16M] am fucking sick of it holy shit. Every time I like a girl something bad happened. Like last time we made plans twice, she canceled both times, asked to call and never texted again while she still views my story.

I also hate when people says the right one will come to you because that’s bullshit lmfao. A girl came to me and started flirting, told me she wanted to have sex and we flirted a bit. Now she doesn’t wanna do anything because she started talking to this random ass dude out of nowhere, even though she got out of a relationship like less than a week ago.

Now I felt HELLA confident about that last one and it still didn’t work. Now I honestly have no hope, at all. This shit is too weird for there to ever be a day it’s not. I don’t think there is hope for me. I don’t know what to do with this information but I’m ready to give up.

TL;DR: I always get the bad side of relationships so I’m ready to quit trying

  1. Just focus on other areas of life and put in the effort elsewhere. You’ll be a little lonely but a lot more successful in all areas

    Trust me the relationship or physical part of life … that part of it will come on it’s own.

  2. You’re 16 so you don’t recognize this but she’s messing with you. She’s stringing you along and is not serious about the relationship. Don’t waste your time on someone who clearly isn’t worth it. Let the other dud she’s talking to have her, he can deal with her mess. Focus on yourself and build your self respect up, don’t waste time on a female that isn’t worth it.

  3. You’re still very young, your love life is barely started. Don’t rush things. It probably will happen eventually. Try to enjoy being with friends, including girls, and don’t obsess about getting sexual with them

  4. You’re only 16. You really don’t have to be so desperate to be in a relationship right now. Focus on exploring your interests and figuring out who you are first. Other stuff, such as relationships will come with time.

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