Hello people, I don’t know where to make friends..

In discos it’s difficult people are drunk or
on drugs and with high music it’s impossible

I am going to some courses but one is full of teens and the other one people are in their 40s/50s..
I am around mid 20s and I would like to have friends to hang out going to events, sharing music , travelling with train or very cheap flights , concerts, museums , going out eating a pizza or grab some drinks or have a walk or bike , talking about random shit and saying a lot of stupid jokes , sending cat or dog pics, knowing I can trust this person and that they are there for me and I will be putting my time and intention on them, camping, working like workaways and things like that..most of the things I would like to do would be like free events or sale or the days when museums are free….
So is this possible or am I seeing these things through rose tinted glasses?
And where can I met some people to at least get some of these stuff I wrote about ?
I would also like a friend that would communicate with me and tell exactly if they are interested to keep the friendship or organize some hang out as well I don’t want to be the one doing all the work or the friendship being one-sided….
I don’t want to use apps and in my country you can’t download bumble bff..

1 comment
  1. Honestly, going out in nature like to trails or something is a good way to find wholesome people

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