Made a previous post. In response to peoples advice along with just thinking about the whole situation for a while I decided to tell my parents. They did not believe me ( they have always favoured my brother so I expected this ) I showed them photos of his collection of my gfs underwear I found in his room. He claimed that they belong to his gf. He does not have a gf. There’s a girl he went on a single date with from my year in school who he is claiming to be dating. I’ve asked her and she said she blocked him because he was being very pushy for sex. She told my parents this. They still don’t believe me. They are never going to believe me.

I ended up getting into a physical fight with my brother shortly after these conversations with my parents took place. This seemed to scare him off as he stopped harassing me or teasing me about my gf.

I later went to a party with my gf, my brother followed us there without our knowledge. Me and my gf hung out with our individual friends for a while and sometime during this my brother decided to follow my gf into the house and confront her. I wasn’t there for this but he was very drunk and was essentially trying to sexually assault her. Luckily other people were there to intervene .

My gf has experienced other trauma related to this and for that reason feels it would be too stressful to press charges. She also feels that although it’s not my fault she can’t feel comfortable around me anymore and that I’d just be a reminder of what happened.

I’m heartbroken I know it sounds dumb but I love her so much and genuinely thought I’d end up marrying her. Do you think I can fix this?

Sorry for the poor grammar I cba anymore .

  1. Unfortunately, I think the only way you are going to be able to be with her, is if you go NC with your Brother and your family.. which judging by their reaction, would not be a bad idea..

  2. Only way you can fix this if you move away from them and see if she’s willing to move with you

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