Looking for any suggestions on how to jerk off. I’m having a hard, heh heh, time getting it up and getting hard. I’m a 48 year old gay guy with little inhibitions and really want to get myself to finish. Any and all suggestions are welcome. Thanks!

  1. Hard time getting hard, huh!

    It is the first hard that is taking away from the second hard.

    Word play aside, I am actually serious. Think about it

    If you think you have a problem with erections, then when you touch yourself, you are worrying about whether you’re going to get hard. You are doing everything with your mind on your penis; thinking ‘is it hard’, ‘when will it be hard’, ‘why isn’t it hard enough?’

    Worrying about your penis is not sexy and nobody can get aroused under pressure. ‘ED’ becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

  2. Has this always been an issue or is it more recent?

    It might be worth talking to your doctor about. There’s a lot of physical issues that are possible like hormonal imbalances. And even if it’s not physical, there can be a level of worry about if you can get hard that’s preventing you from getting hard and erectile dysfunction medication can help get some confidence back and help the issue

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