Taking advantage? Can they change?

I am the breadwinner, cook, cleaner, shopper.
I have 2 kids, and my partner.

My partner is taking advantage. We are married. Have been for nearly 8 years. When we first met, they held a solid job, most things were 50/50. Introduce kids and a few years down the track, and I seem to do 95% of it while they sit back, cruise and indulge in their own hobbies and interests. I didnt take much time off with the birth of the kids, they did with our 2nd though- and took 18mths- in the meantime also suffering a back injury/surgery which meant they couldn’t actually be a caretaker, and they used the kid as an excuse to take time off ‘parenting’. I still did everything. Plus actually managed to advance my career to the extent that I am on a very comfortable 6 figure income.

Tbh, they are depressed. Seriously depressed. They have no drive, no ambition bar for two passions- 1. Cannabis. Which is still quite illegal in Australia. But their dream is to own a legit grow facility. And 2. Every get rich quick scheme that is ever publicised on their socials. (They even managed to lose over 40k during covid on the stock market). Every week theres talk of an app, or a business or something. But they have pretty much no formal skills. They have mastered life as a jack of all trades, master of none.

I have tried. I have paid and booked psychiatrists, doctors, naturopaths, alternative therapists.
I have tried to support them whenever and however I can.
I have encouraged certifications, university tours, enrolment support.
But I can’t do it for them.
But I’m burned out. And seriously considering leaving with the kids.
I do love them. They just dont see this as an issue.

Can they change?

1 comment
  1. People can change if they want to and are willing to put in the work. It doesn’t sound like your partner wants to or is willing to.

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