Trying to prove a point to a friend.

  1. Absolutely zero, and for that matter the apps here do not have the setting to choose a tip for drivers.

    I used to order more takeout, even when it was raining, and then in those cases I would tip 1-2 euros. But now I no longer order when I think I would put the driver in uncomfortable or dangerous situations.

  2. Depends on the bill/amount of food ordered. Usually between 2 and 4 Euros. I have heard from several drivers that tips provided in delivery apps won‘t reach them but go directly to the owner. Therefore, I have a few Euros in cash for them if they provide good service.

  3. If we are talking about food delivery,I usually pay in cash and round it up a little…if the order is (say) 18 euros I’d give the guy 20 and say to keep the change.

    I don’t use food apps though,I prefer to call the place directly and let them use their own delivery person.

  4. If it’s about food delivery then I usually round up if I pay with cash. Like, if it’s 17,50€ I give 18€. Most apps have a delivery fee included.
    If I didn’t pay with cash then I don’t tip.

  5. And if the purpose of the question is a comparison with the US, I will fight as much as possible the introduction of the tipping culture (actually a kind of mob payoff) that I see overseas.

    Your food thrown on the driveway because you didn’t tip enough? Pressured to tip at the AUTOMATIC tills? Not being able to talk to a waiter other than the one who served you first because otherwise they split the tip?


  6. Food delivery – Wolt – Nothing. They already get 10 Eur/hour, which is nore than average wage in Slovakia.

  7. Nothing, and nothing is expected.

    They leave as soon as you grabbed the bag/parcel, so you won’t have time to fetch your wallet. Applies to both food and parcel deliveries.

  8. Usually nothing. I’m more likely to tip in a restaurant, as you actually get to interact more with the people working there.

  9. Nothing. I’ll have already paid online when ordering the food, and there’s never an option to tip the delivery driver.

    The whole idea of tipping a delivery driver seems very odd to me. They should be paid in full by their employer, rather than having a part of it paid by the customer.

  10. I usually tip about 100 roubles for a 1000-2000 rouble order, 200 for a more expensive one. When I order from a place that is next house over and has a delivery fee, I don’t tip anything.

  11. Nothing via the app. Except when they were riding a bicycle in bad weather. Then i usually hand them 2-5 bucks in cash.

  12. both in Poland and Ireland – nope.

    Over all you don’t tip anyone outside sometimes in restaurants, especially now when you don’t use cash that much so you don’t even have a free change to give

  13. Depends on my mood, I guess. Sometimes nothing, sometimes I will give them a few polish zloty, just enough so they can get a beer after work or something. I certainly don’t want it to become a rule in Poland and something that is expected. Seems to be working so far as I’ve never met a delivery person that started acting rude about not getting a tip, and those who got one always acted happy and grateful.

  14. Nothing. When it was all cash I used to tip a couple of euros. Nothing much. But since I’m paying online beforehand, I don’t tip. Especially not before I get the food.

    And when I did do it, the delivery guy told me not to do it online as his boss was keeping the tips. Unfortunately for him though, I never have any cash on me.

  15. Generally nothing, they are already paid by the restaurant/delivery service, but if the weather is bad (i.e. rain, snow or bad fog) I like to give a 5€+ tip cause I feel bad for making them deliver in such conditions.

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