What do you want to see happen in society over the next 5-10 years?

  1. I doubt it will happen, but a shift to center in politics. This incredibly right-left, no middle ground approach to politics is hurting everyone and will just create monsters.

  2. WWIII, my son is to young to be drafted. Get ‘THE BIG ONE’ done so we only have small flare ups until he’s an old man.

  3. A guess a decently visible portion of nerdy communities for people who have grown past the stereotypes and what makes someone a “traditional” sort of nerdy person. Along with just encouragement to branch out when it comes to making friends or whatever. It just feels like a lot of nerdy peeps are like the decades old stereotypes or something. Thinking that someone has to be traditional in order to fit in or whatever.

  4. I’d love to see VR advance into a less primitive state. As is, it’s a fun gimmick, but I’d love for it to be something more transformative.

  5. A Crash in Housing, Stock Market and Economy to a Correction of the inflation and real values of goods and services and return to traditional values, as everyone is only as valuable as what they provide in hard times that create stronger men.

  6. 10% tax rate for under 100k. 20% for 200k. 30% 300k. 40% 400k and 50% 500k and above. No exceptions no writeoffs no loopholes no filing necessary. Also churches pay property tax on their massive land plots all over the country.

  7. More collectivism, unionizing, more socially liberal advancements, universal healthcare, UBI, student loan forgiveness, green new deal, etc.

    Greater attrition from conservatism, less faith in capitalism, more advancements in eastern philosophies over western interpretations of Christianity, etc.

  8. No need to articulate what I’d like to see happen cuz it ain’t happening. If anything most all of my worst fears will likely come true

  9. Socialized healthcare, publicly funded universities, ending the war on drugs, and the downfall of extremists in politics

  10. Making participating in Social(ist) Security a choice. You should be able to choose to not put in and not take out. Hopefully, when the program finally runs aground, that can be a reality.

  11. People to accept that Western Civilization is worth fighting for and we don’t owe our countries to third people with cultures that completely conflict with our own.

  12. In politics, what EEESF said about a shift to center again in politics, to having *actual dialogue* and not just two rows of morons throwing shit at each other.

    Societally, I want to see a return of third spaces again.

  13. Sodom & Gomorra but with cellphones, digital currency, and obscene amount of “Big Brother” loves us

  14. Honestly the world needs a hard reset in a lot of areas. Economic, spiritual, intellectual being the biggest. It’d be nice if there was a collective awakening to make something happen in this regard.

  15. Its funny that if you ask anybody whats wrong in US politics its universally going to be “extremists are pushing things too far.” But if you ask them how to fix it, its also universal to hear “well, elect our own extremists to oppose them of course!”

    I’d love to see the solution become “elect moderate centrists to reign them in and push them out.”

  16. Move beyond the culture wars. Mind your own business. Let others live their lives the way they want and raise their kids the way they want. People are at each other’s throats and 99% of it is stuff that doesn’t have any direct impact on us anyway.

  17. Well, I can only speak for Germany. We need politicians that actually are trying to change our life for the better.
    Less trying to appeal to a specific group. Less lobbyism.
    More regulation of uncontrolled “immigration”. If those people commit a crime, send them back without further ado.
    And they have to work here, learning the german language.
    Not living in any ghetto like structures.

    Also our education system needs to change. People are getting so incredibly stupid. No more of the woke-ism.
    Rational thinking and not emotionally influenced.

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