If you could have prevented one North American animal from the past 200 years from going extinct, what would you choose?

  1. Not extinct, but I would have prevented the wolf and mountain lion from being all but extirpated from the eastern US. Ok, that’s two animals…

  2. Bison. Yeah I know, not extinct but they may as well be. Imagine millions of those bastards roaming the plains still.

  3. From what was written in the history books it would have to be the passenger pigeon.

    Supposedly its migrations would blot out the sun.

    “They were called ‘passenger’ pigeons from the French term ‘passenger’ or ‘passing by’, as their great flocks were said to darken the skies and blot out the sun when passing overhead. Their numbers seemed boundless, yet the species was on the verge of annihilation.”

  4. I wish I could see the massive clouds of passenger pigeons. I wish to have seen them as they reportedly blocked out the sun [https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/wX2weiHam3aaGRuJgsVGvSQg3mmrvewWt2iUHl_Iev-rXRkd3_NbqtbdNJVPhm0IPXG_pWq5FGKbdLnrFS1kM1IinHXkIptHuRNgmx7m1NO2E4Xee94fhiHGyBrflVI4o46mugxQ](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/wX2weiHam3aaGRuJgsVGvSQg3mmrvewWt2iUHl_Iev-rXRkd3_NbqtbdNJVPhm0IPXG_pWq5FGKbdLnrFS1kM1IinHXkIptHuRNgmx7m1NO2E4Xee94fhiHGyBrflVI4o46mugxQ)

  5. The imperial woodpecker. I saw one of its living relatives, the pleated woodpecker in my back yard and it was amazing.

    So I want to see one of the even bigger and more majestic versions.

  6. Since ’tis the season, the heath hen, which is possibly what they actually ate during the first Thanksgiving instead of Turkey.

  7. The Kaua’i ‘ō ‘ō

    There was a male left at the end and his song was recorded, there are gaps in it waiting for the return song of another bird who no longer existed. It’s incredibly sad and his half of the song was beautiful, Id love to hear the full song as it was meant to be.

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