Looking for some guidance or perspective regarding a woman [late20s] I’m [M42] interested in getting to know better.

We met at the dog park, and have spoken several times, more than once spending two to three hours chatting, playing with our dogs together, etc.

Recently, while I was playing with her dog, one of her toys ended up coming apart during tug of war. She mentioned that it was not a problem, the toy was old, etc. However, while shopping, I happened upon a replacement toy – it was $11 or $12.

My question is, what is the likelihood she would find it off-putting or creepy to have me show up with a replacement toy, and ask her if it would be OK to give it to her and her dog? Is this likely to make her feel uncomfortable?

  1. You are overthinking, she already mentioned that is no problem. And if you show up with replacement toys it’s normal, I saw people do that at dog park all the time.

  2. I think that she might find it sweet, its a small thing and not so expensive i dont think it’ll make her uncomfortable but it depends on your relationship as well, so you know better!

  3. I think it’s a nice gesture. I wouldn’t overthink it. 🙂 My two cents. Best wishes!

  4. That seems like a normal thing to do, especially if you think you may have contributed to it falling apart. I think I’d only be bothered by that if you made a big deal out of it or tried to make it a gift to me instead of to my dog.

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