My (F 23) ex (M 23) and I have been broken up for almost 2 years now but it seems like our friends have started to choose sides with him. It has been 10 months since him and I stopped talking. No courtesy as well when we bump into each other. My boyfriend ( M 22 ) who I have been with for around 8 months seems to have a problem that I don’t involve him with that group. It is because I’m not sure if they will respect him enough to make a conversation with him. I recently took him to hang out with them and they confirmed that. They are disrespecting me as well, because my ex is making them believe that I cheated on him which is not true. Should I confront these friends or just stop being friends with them altogether ?

Tldr – Need an opinion if I should continue my friendship with friends that have seem to have sided with my ex.

  1. If they are already being rude to you, I don’t know what a confrontation would achieve. I’d focus on joining some clubs around your hobbies, finding new places to hang out regularly at, or volunteer and meet some new people. I would just be honest with them if they invite you places why you don’t want to come, but I also would just stop reaching out to them as much until you can broaden out socially away from this group, especially if you ex is still a part of it and spreading rumors about you.

  2. > Should I confront these friends or just stop being friends with them altogether ?

    I’d just forget about them, unless there is one or two of them that you care about, and want to tell them the truth.

    They have chosen your ex, and you’re better off distancing yourself.

  3. So they confirmed that they don’t respect him… but they also believe him enough to take him for his word and reverse their opinion of you?

    There’s not enough info here for us to weigh in on this matter.

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