How do you feel about the availability and quality of workers out there?

  1. Almost.

    Hiring has been difficult but its been like that for years in IT/Software.

    The industry is everywhere but only a few centers and companies strongly attract workers.

  2. We had tons of turnover for a little while, but we’re currently fully staffed. I feel like the desperation hiring has led to too many less skilled/knowledgeable people in too many important positions

  3. Not really. The people we do get generally are just people who need a job and not people who want to work in this field. It leads to a lot of time spent teaching people who probably won’t stay around for long. When they inevitably do leave, their position is open for a long time.

  4. I would like for my team to have more people but sadly when you work in a cost center it’s tough to get more money

  5. SSA here. No, we’re never adequately staffed, the problem is finding quality applicants that can stand bureaucracy.

  6. Not at all

    We pull people from other departments to help out for overtime. They get to do half the job we are doing and get paid time and a half to do it.

  7. It is not, but they are also currently interviewing for a new full-time position. I’m currently part-time and threw my hat in the ring for the full-time job.

  8. My department is. The production engineers are not, but that’s on them. We’ve interviewed folks for our last position that would have fit great there (but not for us), but they didn’t move forward.

  9. It’s not super understaffed, but we haven’t hired anyone in a year and a half but we’ve had several people leave in that time. It would be nice to have a few more engineers.

  10. Construction Super… and absolutely not… still.

    I keep hearing talk about what a woeful state our economy is in but we’re (the GC) actively hiring and all my subs are actively hiring.

    (INB4 “Hurr durr… slave wages!” and “Millenials just don’t want to work!!”)

  11. Stage hand here. Sometimes, sometimes not. It depends on if we’re the only show on that day. Last week we had AEW Wrestling, Jonas Bros, Lauren Hill, and Travis Scott all running concurrently with a five-day run of Disney on Ice. And Les Miserables across the river in one of our theaters. We were short staffed to fuck and gone.

    But today for Lauran Daigle, with no other shows, we had no issues with filling the call.

  12. Sometimes we’re overstaffed but with a projected announced separation of a staff member, we might even out.

  13. Not at all. We aren’t having an issue hiring new people but my industry isn’t for everyone.

    When my company does hire someone, we train them and then they either realize the industry isn’t for them, or they realize that there are much higher paying companies “right around the corner” and they apply there. I’m thinking about it lol. Why shouldn’t I?

    Everyone complains about staffing and how the office is sending out overtime requests. There’s an easy solution the office doesn’t want to implement…~~Pizza parties every other month.~~ ( >!Higher wages!< )

  14. Depends on where you’re at. Some groups are struggling, and some have too many. I’ve been on an excess workforce crew for almost a year. I think it’s safe to say my trade is adequately staffed.

  15. I feel like my workplace could seriously benefit from some addition by subtraction. I feel like 2/3 of us spend 1/2 our time just overcoming the obstacles and fixing the messes created by 1/3 of us. And it’s not even confusing who’s who. When the layoffs come, we *all* know who’s getting culled. And that’s assuming they don’t cause enough havoc to get shit-canned before the layoffs.

  16. We are crazy understaffed and are raising salaries across the board to keep people and help recruit more. Also promoting a lot from within but then we need to replace those positions too. Quality was not as good with the first few hires, idk what happened but maybe it was too rushed. After that the hires have been really good. Overall everyone is happy.

  17. Yes and no. We have a sufficient number of warm bodies. Getting quality has proven very difficult. Good employees are usually too smart to work here.

  18. My department could use a few more people. Unfortunately, the people in charge of the money don’t care.

  19. Nope. Haven’t really hired anyone in a couple years. We were running 3 shifts and had to cut back to 2.

  20. Where I live the DMV is so understaffed that going there for any required in person stuff is an all day affair. I literally had to take a day off of work to get my out of state vehicle registered. Couldn’t switch my drivers license from out of state that day because those spots are appointment only with a 2 month wait. Not even a remotely urban area either.

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