So I’ve looked at dating statistics when it comes to race and what I got from it was that it shows White guys are the most popular race amongst women but I wanted to see based of people’s personal experience if they think that’s actually true. So do you guys think this is right or wrong?

  1. from my personal experience, as a woman, and with what i know from my fellow female friends, this does seem to be true. most gals, regardless of race, that ik prefer white guys. interestingly, of the gals that preferred black men, they were white.

  2. Although there are statistics, I try not to attach race to dating cause it can become cynical thinking. I mean obviously people have their preferences and that’s okay, but essentially all of my friends are white and from what I’ve observed, like other white ppl.

  3. I have a suspicion that the study may not take into consideration many factors that influences someone’s dating life. Also factors like where was the study done. That aside the study may be pointing to something, I’m not sure they have their thumb on it though.

  4. I honestly don’t believe that to be true. It’s really about how the guy was raised to treat women, and color really has nothing to do with it.

  5. I was thinking in terms of relationship success. As for races struggling to date more, I honestly don’t pay attention to it. As a scrawny dude who rarely gets dates I got other things to focus on for myself than what races have it difficult or not.

  6. The sad reality is that on OLD the statistics show that this is true.

    They put it down to something called ‘ethnic preference’.

  7. It can be statistically true.
    The reason won’t be the colour of the skin, but the culture and what they represent.
    In most of the countries, white people are regarded as western men who are from lands of success, knowledge and well-cultured. It’s because when we(I am an Indian)think about white people, we associate them to western countries which represent the more civilised form of living.
    Unfortunately blacks, Indians and Chinese have not yet reached there as a whole. They as a community is still growing to meet up with the whites in terms of success.

    When it comes to dating in a country where there are white and black, it’s known that a black person have more probability of being from a broken and less civil background. That can be the reason girls give an extra brownie point for white men for dating.

    Having said this, I think apart from this jump start, white men may not hold any extra privilege in going further in the relationship. Then it’s only about how they treat the women.

  8. Eurocentric beauty standards are the standard, so yes, it’s true. Black men have a social stigma, as do many other men of color to some degree. The same goes for black women and other women of color. That’s why those who are pigmented but lightly are given compliments within their community. Messed up world we live in.

  9. As u.s. 24f, I think most people prefer to date their own race from what I’ve seen, especially women; but most are willing to date outside of their race if it seems promising, etc. I think interracial relationships are more common across the board than a decade ago though. I think black men and white men have it about equal in dating prospects but I think black women are more likely to only date black men than white women are to only date white men.

  10. Yes.

    The bar is usually lower for White guys on average. A nerdy, short, fat/obese, ugly, etc. Black guy will generally fair less than his White counterpart on average.

    That said, Black dudes can still have a healthy dating life. I have. You just have to put in more work on average. In other words, don’t be a ghetto thug who reinforces the stereotypes, be a responsible adult, maintain good grooming/skin care, get a decent haircut, and make sure your finances are in order and you should have a fine time dating as a Black man. Hell, being a non-stereotypical and successful Black dude is damn near a cheat code in dating sometimes.

    People get too caught up in White dudes having it easier dating on average but that’s just to be expected since we presumably live in a Western society that’s pred. White and heavily influenced by White Western culture.

    By all means, no one should be shocked that the average woman living in her middle class 90% White suburb is checking for White guys more than Black guys on average. Hell, even the average Black person goes for Black partners. I live in Houston which is only a quarter Black but Black couples are still more ubiquitous than IR couples among us here.

    It’s not so much a racism thing as it is a familiarity thing. Women in general tend to be most drawn to the races/cultures of men they have the most exposure too, including BW.

  11. I wouldnt care about it so much , I am white and was a lonely virgin until I was 28 so here you have that

  12. A month or so ago, I found that one popular dating site in my area exposed many user preferences on their API but not on their UI. I had been looking for an interesting side project to keep me occupied for a while, so this is what I picked. I wrote a quick little software program that crawled through that API and downloaded every profile it could find within a 100-mile radius of where I live. I also wrote a database management system and a query language to help me run stats on that data from various perspectives.

    One of the things I found was that most women in my data set did not mark a racial preference. However, in my data set, setting a racial preference was not uniform across groups.

    Roughly a quarter of women who consider themselves “just White” would exclusively set “White” as their racial preference. Another quarter would mark “White” as one of many options. A significant minority would mark “anything but” one of two races; something like 5%.

    Those were the most pronounced stats. Black women had a similar spread with regard to a preference for Black men, but far less pronounced. Every category was scaled back by half or more.

    Asian women (which did not distinguish South from East) were the only group with a noticeable cross-race preference, preferring White men to Asian men. However, they were a small enough sample of the population in this area that I wouldn’t put much stock in that.

    Latina women were also a relatively small group, but were remarkable in that they rarely marked a single-group preference. Latina women, in my data set, were the most willing to date any group.

    The stats get a lot blurrier when you consider people who consider themselves mixed-race. Most people consider themselves some degree of “mixed”, and most mixed-race people didn’t have a single-race preference.

    Finally, of the people who marked any racial preference at all, irrespective of their own race, were about twice as likely to mark White than POC.

    Note that these numbers get more nuanced the more you dive in. When considering age, older women were more likely to have a strict racial preference.

    Of the people who marked a political identification (and most people did not), Conservatives were more than twice as likely as Moderates to exclusively mark “White” as a preference, and four times as likely as Liberals. Liberals were twice as likely as Moderates to have an exclusive preference for Black men, and eight times as likely compared to Conservatives; the majority of this group was Black women, regardless of political identification. Conservatives were twice as likely to mark “White” as a group they are willing to date than Liberals; in contrast, Liberals were six times as likely to consider dating a Black man than Conservatives were.

    In my area, race seems to affect dating prospects. Or, at least, some people will filter their results with the intent to use race as a factor. However, most people do not apply those filters; so I don’t think it’s appropriate to try to generalize from this info onto the broader population in my area; let alone to try to apply them to all women everywhere. But I do think it’s appropriate to say that there is *some* impact of race.

  13. What a dumb question everyone is there own person forget the stats and focus on yourself this truly doesn’t matter.

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