Edit: ok seems like most agree it should be zero. I had never seen it before and when I elected to not tip on top of the auto-gratuity, the situation felt uncomfortable. Wanted to make sure I wasn’t just being a dickhead haha

  1. 0.

    Auto tip means they assumed they have done something worth the tip and I am not going to argue with what they put down as their worth.

  2. The questions should be framed as in “why should I be tipping extra if they already added the tip without my consent”

  3. No tip.

    I’m also not in the US and tipping here is optional.

    I have seen some of the nicer places here start to place a 10& VAT and 7% service charge which on top of the expensive inflated prices, makes it even more expensive.

    In this case, I’m not giving no fucking tip.

  4. Zilch.
    Same goes for places that add a “service fee”.

    I get it. The cost of business this and the economy that and blah blah blah.
    The place is already charging a premium for whatever drink(s) I ordered. If they’re expecting extra, then they need to provide good service. Which I imagine is what most customers hope for.

    As far as getting away from tipping, as someone else mentioned, I’d prefer it if the place had signage that explains “Their philosophy is to pay the staff fair wages, so they charge accordingly, and tipping is not expected”, as some independent restaurants are doing.

  5. $0

    If they’re adding gratuity then I’m not

    The dumb thing is I would have tipped more

  6. If they are adding auto-gratuity to single drink at a walk-up bar, that is the ONLY drink I will be having tonight. I’m leaving.

    And no, not a single cent on top.

  7. If I notice… ZERO.

    It makes me angry actually… because one time I got my check, and didnt have the time to quickly look at it, and notice they also added in auto gratituity… I will ALWAYS add 20% tip, but I didnt notice they already did the tipping for me….

    So I paid the bill, which already had a large tip amount, and I tipped an additional 20% of that bill….

    So, if I notice, they will get ZERO.

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