I’ve been seeing a guy for awhile and we’ve been trying to make things work with distance added. There’s been a couple of uncomfortable conversations and we’ve handled them for the most part, but there are just some hard stops on my end. Putting this out there to see if what I’m feeling/expecting is something that would also be a hard stop for other people. The big one recently has been the fact that he still follows a girl who previously tried to cause issues in our relationship. She also still follows him as well. I’ve repeatedly brought up how this bothers me, but am met with “I can’t block/unfollow, she’ll get mad and say something to me” etc and I honestly don’t see it as a valid excuse. I’m sad because I really do like him, but things like this make me question if I’m just an option. Is it controlling of me to ask him not to follow a girl who has made it know she was interested and didn’t care that he was seeing someone? Am I wrong for having this be a deciding factor on whether I continue on? I’m past the age where I have time to play games and don’t want to waste my time, but is this something I should overlook, or is it valid?

1 comment
  1. Inside you know what to do, even if it’s a hard decision.

    You want someone that will respect you, and it sounds like he is not.

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