There is the typical of how is work, the partner, the neighbour type talk. How is their health. What other things do you talk about and do you wish it was more /different and if so why?

  1. Sometimes we talk about family stories. My mom might talk about things that happened in her life as a younger woman that she wasn’t comfortable talking about. Sometimes we also talk about things that happened and how we feel about them now.

    Certain topics, we have to agree to disagree or rather I agree to disagree.. I’ve come to accept that some things are never going to change and I would rather use the time I have left with my mother building happy memories than hashing up crap that doesn’t matter anymore.

  2. What we’ve been up to in life, hobbies, how the pets and his friends are doing, trips and travels, news, music. Stuff like that. I’m happy with it as it is. I’m not someone who’s comfortable talking about personal and private things, and neither is my dad, but we have very open and good talks about things that interest us.

  3. Trying to convince me to move back to their state. Never gonna happen though I hate Florida lol

  4. With my mom it’s lots of chatting about nothing much. How she’s doing, how is teaching going, what is she up to with her friends, how are the pets, that kind of thing. With my dad it’s exclusively about video games, pinball, and his little robots he’s building. You can’t small talk him, he’ll stonewall you, it’s gotta be exclusively stuff he likes. Which is fine, I like video games and pinball, and I’m really good at pretending to give a fuck about robots.

  5. My week, their week, some history, some family. Not all too exciting, we’re not talkers, i just love seeing them.

  6. Right now? Hunting. Gun season starts tomorrow and dad and I will go out so we talk about that. Mom and I usually talk about tv shows, my neighbors or some friends. Surface level updates, or calling other people awful.

  7. Politics, local news, books we’re reading, shows we’re watching, health concerns, grandkids, pets, gardening, recipes, shopping, mutual acquaintances, family stories and history, current events, arts events. Pretty much anything I talk about with other people.

  8. Everything and nothing, whats happening in life, complaine on stuff that we need to compaline about and so on. Tho meet talk with mom like every second day

  9. Same stuff I talk to my friends about. Unless it’s something that would freak my mom out like I was walking somewhere by myself.

  10. I don’t feel like my parents really try to engage in conversation much. They will ask questions here and there, but it’s not usually full depth convos. They spend a lot of time on their phones when I visit. It’s sad.

  11. We talk about mundane things like work, the weather, gardening etc. Nothing really deep and meaningful. Do I wish it was different? Not really but I’m aware of how it could have been. I see other people having really close relationships with their parents and I’m not jealous but I’m aware that mine isn’t like that. Perhaps if they’d not dismissed most of my feelings and emotions when I was growing up, I’d feel more like talking to them about the more important aspects of my life. I have my husband and my friends for that. I love them but they’re not the people I call when I’m having a bad day.

  12. Dad / step mum: Other family members, hobbies and interests, how our lives are going, plans and goals for the future, our pets, things going on in the world, books, tv shows, movies. Pretty much anything I would talk to my friends about.

    Mum: I don’t talk I just listen to her tell me about her travels. Her record is 3 hrs and 38 minutes until she asked me a question/ involved me in the conversation. It makes her happy.

  13. My mom asks me what I want to eat, and I tell her. In exchange, she tells me everything I’m not doing right in life. My dad and I watch YouTube lol

  14. How frail they are. How that blanket, that plate, that piece of furniture from my childhood is still there. Whether this will be the last time I see them. Whether they are doing okay/need anything.

    Edit: Oops, misread it as what do you *think* about when you visit.

    Talk about: We keep it pretty surface because politics/religion/anything too serious won’t lead to happy conversation. Mostly my mom tells the same old stories she’s told a hundred times, we talk about what’s going on in our day to day lives, what they’re watching on tv, how all the relatives are doing, etc.

  15. I ask my mom for updates on my grandma and aunts/uncles/cousins, sometimes family friends, also what she’s doing that week. I also mention exciting things going on in my life, I might also refer to things that were said in the group text. I go there to do laundry, so We also sit around and watch tv and each play on our iPads in comfortable silence.

  16. My health, my kids, my girlfriend, my pregnancy and upcoming birth of my 3rd kid

    Mostly I talk to my mom, my dad and I don’t have much to say to each other. The last time he came to visit we just sat in silence while my mom and my girlfriend talked like they were besties

    I’m very much his daughter, he’s a stubborn bastard who’s not great at small talk and I followed in his awkward shoes

  17. Everything. Life, politics, random thoughts, the future, the past, our feelings, problems in the world. My parents are some of my best friends and I tell them pretty much everything.

  18. Gardening, other projects or hobbies, updates on kids or other family. We absolutely do not talk about religion or political/social issues or else we wouldn’t talk.

  19. I talk to my mom about literally everything when i visit her. My bio dad has a crush on my boyfriend so i don’t talk to him about much except certain foods

  20. Everything – current events, politics, family gossip, our health, home stuff (renovations, furnishings, etc), food, planning upcoming visits.

  21. My father has a terminal illness, so we don’t talk about his work, but talk about his life, his projects that he is able to do, and sport. My mother is still working, so we talk about that, and I listen to her gossip about her girlfriends and her girlfriend’s daughters (my childhood friends) and how they’re all married with children;) I talk with my mother about literature, we both read, but not necessarily the same stuff. I talk with my father about music. They don’t ask me much about my life. They never have, so I don’t care. My closest family are my sisters.

  22. I talk to my mom daily so we talk about literally everything. I know her daily activities and she knows about mine. We treat each other like friends more than mother/daughter

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