How much do you spend on beauty treatments before a trip? Hair, nails, waxing, etc?

  1. I went on an anniversary vacation recently and all I did beforehand was get my hair colored/cut (a few hundred dollars including tax and tip, because I go to an unnecessarily fancy hairdresser) and do my normal at-home shaving routine.

  2. If I’m not doing my own nails, about 200 including tip. And my lashes which is about 200 as well including tip. But it depends on the trip, if im just going to another state in the US, I don’t do shit. But if I’m going to another country, that’s a different story.

  3. Zero. I don’t do those things specifically for a trip, so anything I choose to do is already part of my normal schedule.

  4. I regularly get my toes done but other than that, nothing. If I’m spending before a trip it’s all going to my wardrobe.

  5. Nothing more than I’d spend on a regular month. I’ll just time the appointments with the trip.

  6. Nothing, I don’t wear makeup so never need to get my nails done, I have my hair cut once or twice a year not specifically for trips (and sometimes I just get my sister to do it or try cutting it myself) and I have a wax heater at home so I do that myself

  7. These days I don’t really do any beauty treatment stuff anymore, but when I still did I always did that stuff during the trip because in most places it’s cheaper than at home.

  8. Nails – $40. That’s all I do, that’s actually the only regularly beauty thing I do

  9. Usually $100-$150 for nails and waxing (if required). But I try to coordinate all these things and already do them on occasion

  10. Nothing special for a trip. Everything I do is on a regular schedule so there’s a good chance it will already be done.

    If I’m going somewhere sandal-worthy, I’ll do my own pedicure.

  11. I typically don’t spend anything because I do most of it myself. I make sure to do a hair treatment at home, paint my nails and wax my bits. I don’t lack funds, I lack time.

  12. It depends on the trip. If I’m going to the beach then I get waxed and my nails done. If I’m going anywhere else, then I don’t do any of that.

  13. No more than I normally do, which is… basically nothing.

    If I’m close to needing to re-dye my hair, I will before a trip. It’s two boxes of L’oreal Feria, about $20. Btu if it’s just been done or done only a couple weeks prior, I’m good to go.

  14. My short haircut would be 17€ (because I found an Arabian barber who doesn’t charge me for my tits). I do that every 8 weeks. If I would go on vacation I probably would do that right before. Nothing else.

  15. Thankfully nothing unless my hair times up with a trip which is very rare. If it did it would be about €130 and that’s fine three times a year.

    I do all the other things but at home.

  16. Zero i do everything myself except get my haircut but i havent done that in almost 2 and a half years. I just shave at home paint my own nails and whatever.

  17. Nothing. The only thing I ever get done professionally is a haircut every 6 weeks. I dye my own hair, shave my legs and pits, and leave everything else alone.

  18. Seeing as I’m finishing up getting my nails done for a trip as I type, let’s find out together!

    Wax (Brazilian & eyebrows) $120
    Lash tint $35
    Gel mani & pedi $150
    Hair dye refresh (at home) $30
    Eyebrow tint (at home) $12

    Total: $349 – much better than I thought tbh!

  19. I can’t afford anything, especially not trips. I’ll do my own nails and hair removal typically and I only get my hair cut once a year.

  20. None. I usually splurge my money on a massage treatment during the trip though. Hair and nails are things I can take care of myself.

  21. We went to Mexico for a wedding this summer. I got my hair cut at Great Clips ($25 including tip). I got my hair highlited at the beauty school ($50 including tip). I got my nails done, unsure of cost cause my mom paid for it. I bought new makeup probably $50 worth. I get laser hair removal about every 10 weeks for $20 a session. So I’d say about 150-200$ total I spent on beauty before Mexico.

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