How far along into dating a woman do you add her on social media?

  1. I’ll wait for them to ask. I don’t use Facebook actively and that’s usually the platform that comes up.

    If I used it actively, probably after a good first date.

  2. I got Reddit and discord haha, so never…

    Basic message app, never understood why i should use anything else.

  3. Almost instantly. I got more to gain than to lose from that and social media follows isn’t really a big deal to me.

  4. when she brings it up. I want to give her every chance to represent herself the way she wants, and if i add her she loses that ability

  5. you mean “how long before the first date”, surely? Because one needs to check her online presence too, and see if she’s not a hot coal to drop.

  6. I’d only add them in one social not all of them just because where I work I don’t get a good signal but we do have wifi. And I tend to ask for it before I ask for your number in case you’re not feeling me it’s easier to block.

  7. I dont really use most social media so. As for the ones I do, whenever is fine with me. Some are better to communicate through imo.

  8. I have Facebook and that’s it and that’s only for close friends and family and I don’t even post much. If she ask I tell her and if she wants to be a friend I’ll add her but social media really isn’t a big part of my life

  9. I used to have my SO on all socials, discord, etc. I am now finding out with a different relationship that I VASTLY prefer not adding them to any of it. I don’t use it myself for the most part, and I like that she can feel free to post whatever she pleases without worrying about what I may think about it. It has been pretty awesome thus far. None of this “who TF is this person liking your pictures” bullshit.

    I did tell her that we could add each other if she really wants to. It’s not necessarily a deal breaker, but damn if it isn’t the way I move forward from now on.

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