So I’ve been on tinder quite a bit now and don’t seem to be getting anywhere, same with bumble and hinge.

I’m honestly considering just being done with these apps, it puts me in a bit of a predicament tho as I do not have that much of a social life. I do stand up comedy and that’s basically the only time I go out, socially that is. So the chances of me meeting someone the old fashioned way are very low.

Should I ride out these apps much longer, does organically even work anymore? Or should I just cut my losses and be done with dating?

  1. OLD is tough and what I realized is not to take it so seriously :). I’m a decent looking guy and still will get ghosted 9/10 dates. I’m currently talking to someone I met on Hinge and it’s going great but what got me there was not letting the downs get to me as much anymore 🙂

  2. People typically recommend that people use dating apps as a *supplement* to in real life social interactions. If you can use apps that way without putting too much stock into them, I don’t see any reason to quit.

    I decided to stop using dating apps because I could not take it lightly enough and getting so few matches really started to affect my self-esteem. I found that a very large fraction of people on the apps are not serious about dating anyway.

    It’s tough in real life as well, but at least, you can at least talk to women even if you’re not extremely hot.

  3. Honestly, I felt the same and I just deleted all the apps. All the apps are trash tbh, and they just give unwanted anxiety and stress. Better to delete it for your mental health and just take a break.

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