Men who smoked weed for the first time ever, do you had any panic attacks,Anxiety,DP/DR thing? If yes how you were in that feeling?

  1. The first time I smoked weed, I never had any paranoia or panic attacks (which I suffer from) because, and this is only a guess, it was in a controlled environment where I was comfortable and had nothing to worry about. It did make me hungry AF and I ate an entire cake my mom made.

  2. Yes, bad anxiety and panic the first time but I don’t recall ever feeling that way any subsequent times.

  3. I think this really only happens to people who expect weed to make them feel paranoid and panicked because propaganda taught them that’s what weed does.

  4. I had a long layover in Amsterdam on my way to Moscow. So I went out and explored the city. Stumbled across a cafe. Figured, “when in Rome…”

    I expected weed to hit me like nicotine (immediately). So I just kept smoking and smoking and finally gave up and walked back to the train to go back to the airport. Suddenly it all hit me — paranoia, disorientation, felt outside of my body like someone else was controlling it. Everything became like Alice in Wonderland. I made it easily back to the airport, but I was convinced the entire time I had no idea where I was going or who was moving my legs. I even thought at one point that I had given myself a stroke. Not fun.

    I do enjoy weed now. Mostly for the derealization high, which makes watching movies super fun. I haven’t had a bad trip in a long time.

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