I have had a series of relationships in my life some good some not. As I dwindle on in my years I see all these media associations showing me that in good strong relationship your hers and she’s yours, I’ve never really had that in my life where I would get taken care or spoiled just as well as I give out. so to make this short…..Where do you even search to find a quality partner cause I’m so tired lol.

  1. Date as many of them as possible until you narrow it down to the best one. If you date 1 at a time you’ll be wasting time

  2. Good is very subjective.

    It might help to define some of the qualities that you’re looking for in a woman, communicate those on your dating profile or IRL meetings and continue refining the list until you find someone you really click with.

  3. You go on dates and get to know people. If they’re not right for you, you move on. If they are, you continue.

  4. It’s easier to find a good partner in a community or social setting where your friends can vet them for you. They’ll tell you if they’re good people and the woman’s friends will do it for you as well.

    If you’re meeting people on dating apps or essentially playing Russian Roulette with people, hoping that they will pan out for you. You’re essentially vetting out for but you’re not vetting out for how they are as people, their temperament, etc.

  5. Like attracts like most of the time.

    What can you improve or bring to the table better to attract the kinds of partners you’re looking for?

  6. It’s tough man, I’m 46 and I finally found someone who puts the effort in at least some of the time.

    There are way too many people out there who offer very little but expect a whole lot.

  7. I’m a “good woman” (at least my boyfriend says so, I care for him and spoil him as much as I can) and it took me one look at the nasty comments you left on those sexual subreddits to know I wouldn’t look at you twice.

    You can’t expect to have a good woman when you’re a trashy man.

  8. If you spend your time chasing butterflies, they’ll fly away. But, if you spend your time building a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come. And if they don’t, you will still have your beautiful garden.

  9. Dating is searching a haystack. There are the desired needles in there, but yes, it’s a search to find them.

    Don’t settle so quickly. Know what you want. And be willing to move on when it’s apparent the one you are looking at ain’t it. Don’t be so desperate for a partner. It’s better to be alone and looking than to settle. Just go into it knowing most people won’t be what you want.

  10. First, don’t get caught up with the medias portrayal of an idealistic relationship. There is no such thing. There are times where are you are in a great flow with your partner and there are times where you are not. The important thing is to see the forest for the trees especially during the times where you’re in a rut, knowing that you’re persevere.

    Second of all, if you want to attract a healthy person, and by healthy, I mean, emotionally healthy, you have to become that emotionally healthy person. As harsh as it sounds, emotionally healthy people aren’t going to pick garbage up off the streets and make a life with them (this is a general statement not directed at anyone.)

  11. People don’t fall into a good or bad category, but the way to find out if someone is a good fit for you is to first find people who live intentionally — who know what they want out of life. Then you have to figure out if you have shared values. In my experience, most people aren’t living intentionally. People spend money, they travel, they party, they live to chase the good feelings. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying life, but the secret to finding a partner is that you have to find someone who knows themself and is able to choose the hard/important thing over the easy/fun thing… and then to see if you align in your journey. And even then… you still may not be a fit… but those are the people to look for if you’re truly looking for a partner.

    Do you know what you want out of life and are you willing to stay true to that? If so, just keep on that path and make sure you’re putting yourself out here. Eventually, you’ll cross paths with someone good. Don’t give up! Life is a lot longer than we think.

  12. I’m a single female and it does feel like all the good men are already taken. I’m tired too OP 😂😭

  13. Best way to find a good woman is to be a good man. When you nurture the love for yourself and are able to know who you are, you will attract the right woman who meets that. Maybe you feel like you never had someone who takes care of you because you are lacking that within yourself. Love is a mirror. My advice is to explore different hobbies, dive into the joys of life, and find what you love. Then hang around those places and eventually the love of your life will be there waiting for you too. You deserve the deepest kind of love, you will find it!

  14. I would say three things that solve a vast majority of this:
    1) be brutally honest with yourself in what you need out of a relationship. Also note you’re not mandatory but “nice to haves”. And stick firm to things you can live with in a partner. That will filter most.
    2) Be outgoing and friendly without being too strong. Chat up a person at Target or the grocery store. Join a group with similar interests. Talk to people and see how they interact with you and see where conversations go.
    3) Don’t fear rejection. It’s not personal nor a reflection on you, it’s just part of the process, and that’s okay. Sometimes some of the best friends are made here.

    The most prominent thing I see when people say “I can’t find a good partner” is that they don’t transparently analyze themselves as to what they want and don’t put themselves out there due to fear of rejection. They are out there, chat ‘em up. Good luck OP

  15. At the good woman store of course.

    If not then just get better at vetting. Asking pertinent questions that aren’t too off putting is key to understanding if they have similar values and aspirations. It’s definitely a skill.

  16. Learn to compromise.
    By all means have standards and deal breakers.

    But take a hard look at all of them.

    The law of attraction may also play a significant factor.

    Hopeless romantic stays hopeless in his pursuit of partner.

    Already decided can’t find someone , net result they don’t find someone.
    If you believe in those fairytale/movie type encounters – forget it.
    Nobody just going to fall into arms/ lap.

    If you want something – go out and find it.
    Venture Outside comfort zones especially.

    Find a way or find an excuse is my recent motto.

    I was stuck in the same loop with too many caveats and perfectionist ideals.
    Fail fast , you have time but not an eternity.

    I rather be alone. …. Well then do that.
    Start by looking at your motivations and needs. Self care first.

    Hope you all find love and happiness.

  17. every good woman got a little bit of ho3 in them. you have to bring the best out of her by being yourself. if she doesn’t recognize you then she’ll just find some other guy and hope it works. just think; if she wouldn’t wait with you at the bus stop if your down bad then how would she react if you’re not ?

  18. I have the kindest, sweetest, most patient, most giving, smart, considerate, cute girlfriend. It took me about 4 years and endless amounts dates to find her. They’re out there

  19. We are few and far between and get snapped up and locked down fast bc y’all women are smarter than us.

  20. I found the love of my life six years ago, and then, out of nowhere, she cheated on me. I’m broken and have no idea where to look, either. I’m just working on myself and will go from there, but I’m not going on any dating apps. I want to go out and have fun

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