I am in a relationship with a girl of my class from the first year of my Under graduation.we are in a relationship from past 4 years , she was a kind of a silent girl in my class she only talks to few little girls in my class not so open neither do I. she was in my batch so that I can talk to her . That is the time where I tried to approach her by showing indirectly I love her and care for her. She behaved like she likes me but never opened that she was interested in relationships. Many a times she had directly said she doesn’t want to enter a relationship This continued for a year with multiple days not talking to her multiple fights and multiple happy moments we used to chat daily soo. on one fine day after a two day fight I have proposed to her that I love her she had accepted me, everything goes well. For some reason her sister doesn’t like me for no reason

For another year or so she used to chat regularly with me She wanted me to have my complete time for her and I did soo at the cost of loosing my friends( she never ask me to leave my friends but behaves like I should give more time to her by talking to her and spending time with her this ultimately came to a situation where my friends started avoiding me ) so I started spending more time with her but i used to stay with my friends in a hostel they had fought with me to spend time with them so I started balancing both ,this is where my situation became worse she was a person who want my presence max of the time . We used to have fights regarding I don’t care for her and don’t share with her . Yes because I also need to spend time with her .I have even conveyed the same to her despite all this we used to solve our problems in a day or so I used to not talk and she used to message me and we used to solve the problem. Then came a person in her life who was her mutual friend who started to say all his stories how everybody had put hime aside and he started going to meet her spend time with her and also take her out ( I can understand his cunning plan but this started fights among us multiple time for a period of year or so despite all this fights we had our moments ) now that so called cunning friend and my girlfriend sister had became friends and started to divide us by motivating her that “he doesn’t give time to you ,he is not correct for you “. Despite all this we stayed good even after this fight We are happy and good after our graduation she immediately got a job and I had a job but still waiting for the joining date .we were good after our graduation for 4 months or so on the date of leaving her home to job we had a little fight and that too for a silly reason then form that day she started like she is not intrested any more we had fight but after a 3 day fight I went to her and said sorry but she say she doesn’t want to be in relationship and says the reason is ‘me ,all the time I ignored her” . But i met her and we solved the problem she says she wants to see my behaviour and based on whether she decides whether she wants to stay or not . Some time she behaves like we solved our problems and everything will be like before and on one random day the worm in her head moves she says don’t call by nicknames or soo . And she is rude the next day or the day after this mood swings she is like normal . I can’t figure out what’s in her mind

-Initial challenges in approaching a reserved girl during undergrad.
– Relationship established after persistence, but conflicts arose over time.
– External influences (mutual friend, sister) created discord.
– Post-graduation, sudden shift in girlfriend’s interest, expressing doubts.
– Current situation involves mood swings and unclear communication.
– Evaluation of behavior requested, leading to uncertainty in the relationship.
– Challenges in balancing time between girlfriend and friends.
– Ongoing struggles in effective communication and conflict resolution.
– External influences continue to impact relationship dynamics.
– Overall, uncertainty about the future of the relationship.

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