I’m into crazy people, not the “I’ll stalk you and kill everyone you talk to” violent type of crazy, but a person (don’t matter the gender) that is really out of it. You know, the type that babbles things that don’t make sense, hears voices, believes in ghost or some other stupid crap, colors with crayons, often smile and clap at small things with a vacant, unseeing look in their eyes and stand still for hours staring at some wall. Plus a billion points if they’re: a virgin, don’t really know what they’re doing or what sex is, wearing one of those dress-like hospital attire.

Other thing: I’m never part of these fantasies, it’s always someone else (a strong man, specifically) that fucks the crazy person. He’s really gentle-but-firm most of the time, holding their hand through out the whole thing, stopping when they’re overwhelmed and starting off performing an oral at first, I’m also into these multiple orgasms things.

Additional information: I’m a girl, I’m not specifying my age, just know I’m young.

So, is there some “insanity kink” out there or is it just me? Btw, is this thing I described socially acceptable or normal, and is it okay that I get off on it?

  1. >So, is there some “insanity kink” out there or is it just me?

    Yeah it’s totally a thing though I doubt it has a specific name. A good rule of thumb is that if an idea exist there is a kink or fetish for it.

    >Btw, is this thing I described socially acceptable or normal, and is it okay that I get off on it?

    I don’t think it’s “normal” or the norm i.e. that most people have it. But I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong to be into it. Of course I’m a guys with a whole lot of not normal kinks so take what I say witha grain of salt.

  2. well its probably as simple as we all like to hang out with likeminded people , just sayin and im not sure if its a kink

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