Hi guys, I feel like whenever I want to be better or try to voice my thoughts people around aren’t interested. It might be the way I explain things (I tend to explain in short sentences). But I feel like everything is overwhelming, I don’t enjoy the things I used to anymore and I look forward only to the end of the day where I get to smoke weed and relax. That’s my haven and safe zone. I know it’s bad and I want to change but after trying to stop or trying to change my lifestyle, I just go back to the way I am. I need some help, please advise 🙏.

  1. Going home to smoke weed is what’s killing you. You need to do something else. Start slow, do something as simple as going for a walk. Break out of your normal routine so that you start to appreciate the time you have in the day.

    Once you start to have new found appreciation for life, you’ll want to try out other things. If you want to build confidence, you need more stimulation in life, if you want more stimulation in life, you must start by getting out of your room.

  2. Get rejected and be thankful for it. If they don’t like you it’s okay. Billions of people on the planet.

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