How do women usually flirt with you?

  1. There was this one girl who was always watching me like a hawk and smirking to herself and waiting for me to fuck myself up somehow and get the giggles and I’d just stand there feeling the horrible awkwardness

    I didn’t think too much about her, until one night I bumped into her out and about and we went home on the train together and she went with her head on my shoulder

    I realised that she liked me and that bullying she subjected me to was her way of flirting

    Too bad I hated it, and her

  2. If we don’t know each other, the eyes speak for themselves. So does the mouth and yeah…basically all body language stuff. Rarely they step and interact with me properly.

    If I know them already or we’re talking, they flirt much clearer. Compliments, they get touchy, they ask me more personam questions and will laugh at anything I say.

  3. Hard to explain.. Normally it’s body language with the words they say in a certain tone

  4. They usually just glance at me for some time and then come up to me when they have the courage to do so because they see that i won’t do that

    The weirdest one was when a girl did the staring for a few months then the exact day i cut my long hair she jumped on my back and then came next to me with puppy eyes without saying anything, thank God a friend came up to me and snatched my wallet from my back pocket and broke that interaction cuz damn it was creepy

  5. The only women who flirt with me are bots on Instagram with hot russian girls photos trying to convince me to join their fake profiles, apart from this they don’t. I tend to do the first move

  6. When I was single, it was a lot of stuff like asking to try on my jacket, or my watch, or something like that. A lot of girls flirted by laughing at jokes I made, one of the things I used to do when I was still dating around was making a joke that I KNEW was a stinker and seeing if she’d laugh anyway – usually if she was interested, she would.

    Finding an excuse to touch me, like there was a girl that would “stumble” occasionally around me and put her hand on my chest “steady” herself, grabbing around my bicep if she was excited, stuff like that. Or asking if they can touch my beard or fix my hair or something.

    The other fun one, and something that I found completely adorable in the girl I married (and she still does it to this day!) is that way of being a little bit bratty, the “ok MAKE me do it then!”, I have no idea why that resonated so hard but that method of flirting clearly worked well enough on me to get a whole ass marriage out of it lol

    I think the two main ones though are “finding you way funnier than you actually are as a way to gas you up” and “trying to find barely-subtle ways of touching you”

  7. The one time I noticed it, which was over 3 years ago at a social, she would occupy my personal space and find any excuse to touch me, namely my arms, or rest on me when we were seated. Also trying to monpolise my attention. Now that I look back on it, oftentimes away from other women that were present.

    The one time I *didn’t* notice it until well after the fact, which was some time before that, I was at another social where I had spotted a male friend of mine and went over to greet him. He said his friend, a woman sat next to him, “*wanted to say hi*”. So I look over to her and say hi. She replies “you’re fit” (meaning hot/attractive). I turn back to my friend in all seriousness and tell him “that wasn’t a hi”.

    Didn’t realise what I had done until hours later… honestly, that I was ever that retarded still haunts me to this day 😭

  8. Last weekend some girls flirted with me. One of them started laughing at my dance floor, and then she wanted to dance with me. Another time she would play-punch me in the arm and go “Hey!” and I also danced with her. In the club it’s otherwise a bit more subtle. They’ll “hover” nearby me near the bar, because they want my attention. Or they’ll accidentally bump into me and go “excuse me thee-heeh.” Then there’s the cougars who will outright slap my bum.

    Also, when I do pair dance, there’s a fair amount of flirting. She’ll come in and play-kiss me. She’ll pump my hands, or “play piano” with my fingers (i.e. use my fingers as keys). Or she’ll playfully bump into me, back to back, just to say hello. Bouncy my hip, or bounce her ass against mine. I don’t think this counts as much, since most of them already know me.

    I just feel so molested at times, but I just take it as a compliment.

  9. I am such a dimwit that they themselves eventually have to let me know that they were flirting all this while.

  10. When we bump into each other at the office they ask “Oh hey how’s it going”

    Is that flirting?

  11. They don’t. Hell, most women, in general, don’t approach guys. The onus falls on the guy to approach.

  12. Mixed signals. My wife came dressed in a see through short dress the other day to watch a movie without a word about it. Half way through the movie she asked if I was mad at her….

    Apparently I should have made a move based on what she was wearing but when I wear one of my banana hammocks it means I’m just getting comfortable.

    I’ll figure it out one day boys.

  13. All the typical responses have been said but the most recent one I can think of I didn’t even realize until after the fact. Asked a girl when the next bus was coming to my dorm and we had a light conversation. I was wearing a ripped up pink relay for life cutoff with jeans bc I just came from the gym, and for some reason she complimented my shirt which I thought was odd at the time. She tells me when the next bus is I say thank you and leave and when I’m on the bus? I realize she was flirting with me and I just think to myself fuuuck that probably won’t happen again for a while. That was 3 years ago lmao

  14. So, women flirt with guys they find attractive. Which is probably about 5-10% of guys. Most guys here, being average or below, have never had a woman flirt with them. For some reason, this is really hard for most women to understand. So once more, a vast majority of men never get any attention from women.

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